Minor stroke face. I was at a Dead show one time when 90% of the people cliffed and went pluto. He's doing OK.
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Dude (Old Spike)
No stroke i bet, they have this technology it looks exactly like a garage door opener with a red button, when you point it at someone it emits a frequency that makes you unable to talk, developed for the CIA by MK Ultra during the cold war, now used by republicans with no spine, it has been used on me as well during a speech in the Scottish rite, but i spotted his hand in his pocket, and took the device from him.
Or else he couldn't speak because he was taking a dump in his pants.:)
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n0val33t (Old Spike)
Im telling ya, but you won't listen........ he's pooping! Shut up and appreciate the face of a senator pooping his pants!
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TheWeirdo (cool)
One day he's gonna freeze like that stopped at a red light and he will be picked up by cops.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Minor stroke face. I was at a Dead show one time when 90% of the people cliffed and went pluto. He's doing OK.
(Old Spike)
No stroke i bet, they have this technology it looks exactly like a garage door opener with a red button, when you point it at someone it emits a frequency that makes you unable to talk, developed for the CIA by MK Ultra during the cold war, now used by republicans with no spine, it has been used on me as well during a speech in the Scottish rite, but i spotted his hand in his pocket, and took the device from him.
Or else he couldn't speak because he was taking a dump in his pants.:)
(Old Spike)
Im telling ya, but you won't listen........ he's pooping! Shut up and appreciate the face of a senator pooping his pants!
One day he's gonna freeze like that stopped at a red light and he will be picked up by cops.