I absolutely agree with the guy in the first video: There is no almost in life - at least not with these things.
I checked her channel to see more of this bullshit, and it turns out what she needs the most, is a fucking mobility scooter for her deeply deranged mind.
Edit: 4/5 - got my blood boiling and my weewee hard.
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
Yeah, lady. I don't think talking to cars and doing the whole pity party thing is effective....
^ The dog walker lady knows her well. lol
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Muchos Munchbagger (Short Spike)
Ultimate conflict resolution reproach (for any situation):
"You are not Donald Trump. Get the hell away from me!"
Oh Mah gawwwdd. Exccuzze me maame??You have a funny disabilty troll channel
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Fucking hell, you can't have it both ways. Either you use the cycle path and when not available the street or you use the pavement at all times. People are under no obligation to let you pass when you want to go speeding on the pavement.
Lastly the SUV made an incorrect move but was nowhere near fucking crazy lady. Wasn't even a near miss.
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Dhagon (Old Spike)
She sounds like the mountain lion lady NPC from Oblivion
(Short Spike)
I absolutely agree with the guy in the first video: There is no almost in life - at least not with these things.
I checked her channel to see more of this bullshit, and it turns out what she needs the most, is a fucking mobility scooter for her deeply deranged mind.
Edit: 4/5 - got my blood boiling and my weewee hard.
(Long Spike)
Yeah, lady. I don't think talking to cars and doing the whole pity party thing is effective....
^ The dog walker lady knows her well. lol
(Short Spike)
Ultimate conflict resolution reproach (for any situation):
"You are not Donald Trump. Get the hell away from me!"
Oh Mah gawwwdd. Exccuzze me maame??You have a funny disabilty troll channel
(Old Spike)
Fucking hell, you can't have it both ways. Either you use the cycle path and when not available the street or you use the pavement at all times. People are under no obligation to let you pass when you want to go speeding on the pavement.
Lastly the SUV made an incorrect move but was nowhere near fucking crazy lady. Wasn't even a near miss.
(Old Spike)
She sounds like the mountain lion lady NPC from Oblivion