motorcycle overtakes and gets clipped

sal9000's picture

Reckless overtake ends badly for bikers!!

never realized how dangerous saddlebags could be

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

This guy should be banned from driving / riding for life. If you are on your own you can risk your life as long as you like but riding with a passenger like this.......

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GKhan's picture

What an asshole. Passing on a blind corner, beside a very large camper, driving significantly in the opposite lane, passing multiple cars at once (when there was lots of room to pull in) and with a passenger.



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The Evil Bat's picture

And give him a silver star for effort. If he tries a little harder maybe he could win that Darwin Award

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stonerDave's picture

Was that a kid on the back of the bike or just a tiny woman? 

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