MSM Covers Antifa Violence


danmanjones's picture

Many sides.

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Grothesk's picture

How many dead to Antifa? 

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danmanjones's picture

You seem fixated on a body count, as if that somehow legitemizes these clowns.

Since you asked though, here's 2 they murdered in Greece.

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Grothesk's picture

Yeah, a lot of people get upset that I ask for raw, true data when talking about two amorphous, undefined groups.  It's almost like they wish to keep them as amorphous and undefined as possible so they can whitewash an entire group of people with judgment.

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danmanjones's picture

Or maybe they think it should be fairly obvious who are the ones being dicks. Shutting down freespeech is very unamerican.

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sato's picture

the trick is to label the speech they're shutting down as racist, "hate", or otherwise unamerican, so then by shutting it down they're actually pro-american heroes.

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nsmo's picture

@sato By shutting it down they're accomplishing their goal of destroying a bit of america. I think they've made it obvious by now that they want nothing to do with america, they say it themselves I'm sure. It's leftist news outlets that attempted to paint antifa's and BLM's actions as patriotic at times, giving them a 'pro-american heroes' appearance. It's good to see that they're starting to wake up to the shit storm that has been brewing since Occupy Wallstreet.

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Nihil Dicit's picture

Having been something of an anarcho-syndicalist loon in my youth, I can confirm that Antifa - and leftist anarchists in general - absolutely loathe Western civilization, especially America. Spending 15 minutes perusing the offerings of AK Press or any leftist anarchist blog can confirm this.

Yet, similar to the New Right's refusal to do even a cursory amount of research into the real Alt-right, the mainstream left jumped at the chance to support these clowns. Now, they're slowly wiping the egg from their faces. 

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The Evil Bat's picture

And remember. It's the people who aren't wearing mostly black and wearing masks are the good guys who want to get them fascist's.....Whilst ironically just happen to love Adolf Hitlers beer hall speeches/quotes.

Wouldnt be to hard for a trump supporters to blend into their (antifa's) crowd packing a few choice blunt instruments. And start swinging from within antifa's crowd. Because just about everyone of the wears the same colour and dons a mask.

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puttefnask's picture

Nice conspiracy theory you've got going there.

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sato's picture

props to them for calling out the fascist behaviour. anti-fascist in name only.

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Pyranique's picture

Can it be a spelling error? If you read Ante-fa. As in "before" facism, then it makes sense. Fucking authorian left... stupid history repeating.

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

There are reasons to believe antifa is a global(western) false flag operation. Their leaders have the capacity for the same thoughts as the rest of us. They can understand that this kind of action does not help their cause, as they cannot ever be martyred in religious fashion leading to harm to their peers that increases their recruiting numbers. Yet they keep repeating it decade after decade. Also, there's that whole history of operation Gladio and CIA anti-communist operations and all that stuff with creating fake peergroups. *shrug* Silly people.

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skeptoid's picture

About 100 million during the 20th century. Truly independent media like Tim Cook, who was attacked, report that the vast majority of the black-clad, masked gang members who committed unprovoked violence identified as communists and/or members of BAMN.

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sato's picture

if it were true it makes a lot of sense. it's exceptionally easy to hide among members of a group if they're masked.

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RaiThioS's picture
Beta Tester

Mentality, stunted, snowflakes. lol, the mud slinging is hilarious.

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skeptoid's picture

They are certainly dupes. I'm half convinced the flat-earth thing and a whole bunch of other crazy movements are experiments to see how much the internet can be leveraged to control people's minds.

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