A man who attended the white supremacist march in Charlottesville has told how his “life is over” after being publicly identified.
Jarrod Kuhn was identified as a “nazi” after an anti-fascist group posted 250 fliers around the Honeoye Falls area of New York in the aftermath of the Virginia bloodshed that left three people dead.
The flier claimed Mr Kuhn is a “leading figure with the Daily Stormer, an avowedly neo-Nazi website around which local groups have been organizing to promote anti-Semitism, white supremacy and violence against LGBTQ communities,” according to the Livingston County news.
Mr Kuhn confirmed he attended the Charlottesville rally but strongly denied being a “neo-nazi”, claiming it was a “crazy assertion”.
“I’m not a neo-Nazi. I don’t belong to a German workers’ party from 1933,” he told the paper. “... I’m a moderate Republican.”
Mr Kuhn said he only travelled to Virginia to protest the removal of the Robert E Lee statue, which became the centre point of the deadly violence in the town. But he said being publicly identified has ruined his life and that his family had received death threats.
“I can’t live in this community anymore. I’m in the process of figuring out what I’m going to do,” he said. “I’m 21 years old and now my life is over in this area.”
But former friends of his took to social media to denounce him, claiming he had been bragging about his beliefs.
(Old Spike)
Kuhn. LOL
(Long Spike)
I hope one day to be interviewed because I placed a snarky comment on Facebook.
(Old Spike)
Damn, he drove 500 miles to participate in some stupid shit. You got to give credit where credit is due, that's dedication to "the cause", whatever he thinks that is.
(Old Spike)
Jarrods father can sweet talk the whole shit as long as he likes. He is currently receiving the "full muslim treatment", although, to be fair there were no "non neo nazis" in the demo waving torches and flags, so I would say rightly so*. And if there were, well, they are so dumb they should be taken out the gene pool anyway.
*It's like a moderate muslim complaining them being the target "just because" they attend a radical islamistic mosque.