Nakey - Non-stop posting errors

skeptoid's picture

Why People Believe Covid-19 Conspiracies

It has become almost impossible to post something to Spiked. Nineteen out of 20 attempts returns an error. For the past week or so the site has been redirected to on mobiles, sometimes reverting to but otherwise it's for me. Not loggin into that. What's up?!

Here's someone exactly like sal9000, describing his "understanding" while demonstrating that he is an absolute pawn of a mainstream media complex that hates him intensely. "I haven't seen that video before" - holy fucking shit. Holy fucking shit on a bald toad's lip. Holy fucking cocksucking shit on a transgender's slilicon.
Average: 3.4 (5 votes)


Raining Blood's picture

youtube along with a few other things like google documents went down yesterday and youtube seems to have maybe done an update. then when you type the error into youtube and look, other people are having the same issue. this was also brought up in another post where nakey said he would ask someone to look into it

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skeptoid's picture

This has been going on for over a week.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

it will be fixed after jan 20th

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

I noticed the same thing when doing Bitchute uploads.


I can only upload through comments. The embed code won't take to the usual media slot under "add content"

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stokkebye's picture

LOL, Nice!

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Can't upload anything now.

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

hi there skeptoid,

i'm well aware of the problem and i've contacted flynn about it.


there are a number of site updates that haven't been implimented. this could be part of the issue but i'm not touching them with a 20 ft barge pole.


just to make sure we are on the same page though. i have tried to contact dan and have recieved no reply. at this point i believe he's not coming back so there is currently no dev support for spikednation. i've also heavily stressed this fact to flynn.


i've done all i can, we just have to sit and wait.



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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

seems to be a patch here, but how to apply it is beyond me

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

thanks sal,

i think it's beyond me too.

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Raining Blood's picture

who paid?

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

paid for what?

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

site went down for a bit 12 hours ago, sometimes leading to a domain expired page from godaddy. info sites had the domain expiring on the 12th 2020, then an hour later. the site was back with a new expiration of dec 2021.


i'm not sure about what i wrote above now. i can still reach the site, raining blood can't. not sure if its a cached thing


just wondering, have you ever seen or had access to a dashboard for the site?



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stokkebye's picture

Works on my phone but not my pc

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

i think someones working on it. you're probably in the same spot that raining blood was in, if you add https:// before the www.spiked... you get a can't connect page, saying connection is not secure. if you take out the https:// and just go with www.spikednation... you get a domain expired page from godaddy. not sure if its ssl issue, wrong time on teh server or whatnot. but give it some time

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

i think i have full access to the dashboard yeah.

looks like the site going down shook a tree, flynn got back to me.

merlock is taking a look now.

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skeptoid's picture

Thanks for the update. I'm baffled as to why you'd think Danman would every be back here. It's like you don't realize what he was - I hope you changed all of the site's secure information with his disappearance.

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

danman is fucking with the site obv

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