Nathaniel Rothschild Stands With Ukraine?

theblackswordsman's picture

Does Putin "Threaten the Global World Order?"

I forgot to add a description!

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skeptoid's picture

Russia is a Christian nation that realized the folly of collectivism and adjusted accordingly. Of course Russia stands as a threat to the hegelian NWO.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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A few thoughts as this unfolds so far.


Rothschilds are masters of information. With that in mind.


1. The author may not be verified.


2. There are clues in this messaging that speak of heavy handedness with no attempt to hide the agenda.


3. This message could be covers for the big bed everyone could be involved in. Large scale conflict will be of the greatest service to the NWO.


Parallel narrative of the hopium trail. 


1. Putin is working with Trump, Trump is in fact the shadow president, and laid multiple traps for the NWO while in office, and both of these guys are in fact anti NWO.


2. The majority of western leaders have already been disposed of and replaced with masked actors. One clue to that is how retarded these people act, it's about as obvious as it gets without coming right out and saying it. Even in Biden's SOTU last night he was promoting MAGA plans. Possibly fooling the Biden base with pre-suasion of moving into the MAGA plan going forward.


3. There is a lot of info that can't be verified about what's in Ukraine. NWO money laundering, records, Trafficking rings etc.


Which of these is true? Maybe elements of both.


I follow it all, but I remain firm in telling people not to hope for a messiah, do not trust anything government supports, and avoid stepping into the basement of Digital ID, World war support, and Cashless society.


Excpect to be the change yourself instead of banking on the outcomes of others.

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theblackswordsman's picture
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Further thoughts is that this runs concurrent with both biblical prophecy and Albert Pyke's 1871 Plan.


I can see that if Ukraine is lost, or a full Nato Response is agitated, The islamic World And Russia could form an Alliance and wage war against Israel. Ezekiel chapters 38-39.


In Pykes plan the third world war would result in the mutual destruction of Atheism and Christendom, as well as the destruction of Zion and the Islamic Caliphates.


During this time the other nations once more divided on this issue will be constrained into civil war against each other. The result will be the extermination of both the faiths and the nihilists to which fertile ground will be laid for the NWO to emerge victorious over the remainder of the population.


This is also biblical except to a bit less detail. One thing is certain, Israel may be conquored for a time, but will not be exterminated.


I could also see this as an agitator for the civil war, if Islam is rendered impotent and Israel stands, the frustrations of the masses may be directed towards the remaining saints. The Anti christ will be granted power to over come them, and he will reign for a short time of tribulation to which his glorious world empire will be gradually reduced to ruin by the Power of God.

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Needless_Kane's picture

Biblical it is.

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skeptoid's picture

We're approaching a threshold that I suspect all intelligent civilizations in the galaxy face - the other side of which will determine our "form" for thousands, possibly millions of years, to come. 

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theblackswordsman's picture
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What makes you so certain this is a galactic issue, as opposed to a spiritual issue against principalties?


It's not a snide question, Though the bias within it is my beliefs in creationism over evolution. 


What drives your belief in your point of view?

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Needless_Kane's picture

So much disclosure on UFO lately, so much innundation on UFO etc etc.  Multiple things coming out - Skinwalker Ranch, WTF is going on in Antarctica, portals over norway, LHC CERN etc etc.  Then numerous sources talking of a space galactic force out there,  etc etc., too much info, people talking for it to all be coincidental or conspiracy. 

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danman's picture

to answer the clickbait title of the thumbnail, yes & so is China.

Putin tried for 20 years to play nice but got spat on the entire time, as if the only choice was to submit to the yankee world order.

China & Russia envisage a multilateral world order & this liberal degeneracy that the west pumps out isn't exactly their cup of tea either. One of the best things that's gonna come out of this is the cultural fracture between Russia & western cuckistan. Another is Russia escaping the US-led financial blackmail system. If they can recover within 5 years it'll be well-worth it & will probably happen quicker than this.

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