Navy Whistleblower Fired for SOS Letter

danmanjones's picture

Navy to relieve captain of USS Theodore Roosevelt for leaking letter to leadership

The USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier is supposed to be patrolling in the South China Sea but has been left in a dire situation in Guam. The captain of the ship is on the hook for an SOS letter he sent asking for his sailors to disembark ASAP was leaked to the media.


This is one of 2 carriers to be out of commission this month, both were scheduled to be on China containment duty. 





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daftcunt's picture
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It is simple:
You are an army officer, other people higher up in the ranks do the thinking for you and then tell you what to do. The decisions are political, not humane.


If he thought this was a good idea he deserves the boot.

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Sgt_Ric's picture

His boss the Admiral was in the cabin next door on the ship. 

He sent the message around to many others, so he obviously wanted publicity... well he got that!

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