Same with danmanjones who wanted to spread it over the web, i am sure he was not working other then spreading propaganda, they kicked him off and the site was hacked a day or 2 later, probably got all our details and passwords.
That is why we need to kill that government, after all i said and did i am still alive trust me the west are the good guy's, there is however a conspiracy to keep the west above all else, why wouldent we? but it is not about badness, why would we let anyone piss on our head.
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sato (Old Spike)
well yes but doubtless it isn't for noble reasons, it's just bad for business if an autocratic regime has influence.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
Boom shakalaka could either be DNC or CCP. Flip a coin. Their interests are well aligned.
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
Mannnn, why'd you have to summon the grump.
Things were kinda peaceful not having that CCP shill around.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Im telling ya, WE have been doing this way more than the CCP. Alex Jones effect, report the truth but mix it all in with BS and people will call you a conspiracy nut. What Youtuber would NOT take up an offer if the CIA came knocking on your door and said take this pile of cash and do our biding or we will "find" kiddie porn on your computer! I wonder that everytime I see people on the Tim Pool show. how many of them are taking CIA money? Ever notice how many CIA and exCIA are on the Joe Rogan show. how the fuck did Tim Pool get all that money to buy a compound in the middle of the woods?
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danman (Site Administrator)
feds are regular guests on corporate media too, pushing their fukt up conspiracy theories right out in the open.. almost seems disrespectful they don't bother hiding so much these days
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danman (Site Administrator)
You jokers still can't tell he's a lying grifter?
If any of you want to man up & chat in realtime, come get me
The server wasn't hacked when I was in timeout for 2 weeks Dude, nor would I need to hack it since I was the dev.
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sato (Old Spike)
lying sure. those videos didn't actually pop up at the same time with the same titles and the same script and shots edited in, that was all just coincidence and of course racist and anyone who points out these facts are liars.
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danman (Site Administrator)
the fuck are you babbling about, weeb
looks like more of your shameless reaching, like how you claimed this guy's attack was a false flag
the weeb doesn't wanna adress his retarded conspiracy theory being debunked.
no surprise there.
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Dude (Old Spike)
So you are saying you don't report to them?
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danman (Site Administrator)
my handler says I'm not allowed to lie so I can't answer that, sorry Dude, you understand.
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Dude (Old Spike)
You are the site administrator, i am not sure but you where told to take a leave of a few months or longer, and the site was hacked 2 days after, just enough time to brief it trough and them acctualy attacking, i am not saying you did it, but you seem to imply it is rediculous, increasing my suspicion, you know what raises my suspicion even more, the video you posted, how did you find it? plz tell us what search terms did you use and where?
''edit'' 6 minutes after typing this someone tried to gain access to my IP ''edit again'' it was someone else :)
but you would get paranoid, right?
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danman (Site Administrator)
we can't discuss the nature of the team(s) assigned to obtaining your IP on here, it's not safe
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Dude (Old Spike)
You had this site hacked, you are clearly on a propaganda agenda, and i am sure the CCP is now funding part of this site trough you, admin pay's right?
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
I can't sympathize with a person who takes money from genocidal maniacs. You are scum of the lowest order.
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danman (Site Administrator)
my handlers will give bonus if you sympathize though. you specifically. they can't stop talking about you. retarded religious boomer conspiracy theorists are the most lucrative demo in our ops. this entire operation has taken years & was only ever about you. I've been given the go ahead to let you know this even before the capture & interrogate ops take place. kinda surprising tbh.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
I like money...
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Dude (Old Spike)
you are definitely Chinese i can't make up a word of what you are saying
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danman (Site Administrator)
the contract says I get paid regardless
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Dude (Old Spike)
don't be silly there is no contract... but they do pay you
(Old Spike)
Same with danmanjones who wanted to spread it over the web, i am sure he was not working other then spreading propaganda, they kicked him off and the site was hacked a day or 2 later, probably got all our details and passwords.
That is why we need to kill that government, after all i said and did i am still alive trust me the west are the good guy's, there is however a conspiracy to keep the west above all else, why wouldent we? but it is not about badness, why would we let anyone piss on our head.
(Old Spike)
well yes but doubtless it isn't for noble reasons, it's just bad for business if an autocratic regime has influence.
(Old Spike)
Boom shakalaka could either be DNC or CCP. Flip a coin. Their interests are well aligned.
(Long Spike)
Mannnn, why'd you have to summon the grump.
Things were kinda peaceful not having that CCP shill around.
(sounds retarded)
Im telling ya, WE have been doing this way more than the CCP. Alex Jones effect, report the truth but mix it all in with BS and people will call you a conspiracy nut. What Youtuber would NOT take up an offer if the CIA came knocking on your door and said take this pile of cash and do our biding or we will "find" kiddie porn on your computer! I wonder that everytime I see people on the Tim Pool show. how many of them are taking CIA money? Ever notice how many CIA and exCIA are on the Joe Rogan show. how the fuck did Tim Pool get all that money to buy a compound in the middle of the woods?
(Site Administrator)
feds are regular guests on corporate media too, pushing their fukt up conspiracy theories right out in the open.. almost seems disrespectful they don't bother hiding so much these days
(Site Administrator)
You jokers still can't tell he's a lying grifter?
If any of you want to man up & chat in realtime, come get me
The server wasn't hacked when I was in timeout for 2 weeks Dude, nor would I need to hack it since I was the dev.
(Old Spike)
lying sure. those videos didn't actually pop up at the same time with the same titles and the same script and shots edited in, that was all just coincidence and of course racist and anyone who points out these facts are liars.
(Site Administrator)
the fuck are you babbling about, weeb
looks like more of your shameless reaching, like how you claimed this guy's attack was a false flag
(Site Administrator)
the weeb doesn't wanna adress his retarded conspiracy theory being debunked.
no surprise there.
(Old Spike)
So you are saying you don't report to them?
(Site Administrator)
my handler says I'm not allowed to lie so I can't answer that, sorry Dude, you understand.
(Old Spike)
You are the site administrator, i am not sure but you where told to take a leave of a few months or longer, and the site was hacked 2 days after, just enough time to brief it trough and them acctualy attacking, i am not saying you did it, but you seem to imply it is rediculous, increasing my suspicion, you know what raises my suspicion even more, the video you posted, how did you find it? plz tell us what search terms did you use and where?
''edit'' 6 minutes after typing this someone tried to gain access to my IP ''edit again'' it was someone else :)
but you would get paranoid, right?
(Site Administrator)
we can't discuss the nature of the team(s) assigned to obtaining your IP on here, it's not safe
(Old Spike)
You had this site hacked, you are clearly on a propaganda agenda, and i am sure the CCP is now funding part of this site trough you, admin pay's right?
(Old Spike)
I can't sympathize with a person who takes money from genocidal maniacs. You are scum of the lowest order.
(Site Administrator)
my handlers will give bonus if you sympathize though. you specifically. they can't stop talking about you. retarded religious boomer conspiracy theorists are the most lucrative demo in our ops. this entire operation has taken years & was only ever about you. I've been given the go ahead to let you know this even before the capture & interrogate ops take place. kinda surprising tbh.
(sounds retarded)
I like money...
(Old Spike)
you are definitely Chinese i can't make up a word of what you are saying
(Site Administrator)
the contract says I get paid regardless
(Old Spike)
don't be silly there is no contract... but they do pay you
(Site Administrator)
there's no need to pay AI, silly
(sounds retarded)