do people really care what this bloviating has-been says? pffft.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
I refuse to be lectured to by a 'scientist' who thinks sex is a social construct.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
lol, (deliberately) misquoting again? Sex is defined by biology, gender is a construct of society.
If you want to look deeper into this I shared a video on the topic just yesterday. But you don't now doya.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
Oh, the one that says science recognizes ony 2 sexes?
Yeah saw it
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
So why didn't you share your opinion on it (in the other post)? Do you actually agree?
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Dude (Old Spike)
i some what agree but the exception on the rule is, there are hermaphrodites with dick and pussy i say they are both gender or woman with enlarged clitoris, a real herma could fertilize it self wich is so rare i doubt there is one living right now.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
I didn't share my opinion on Neeeeil DGT in the other post because this is the post that has NDGT in it.
I actually do agree with science, that there are only 2 sexes.
I agree that there are people who are born with mixed up sex (please note this is not a 3rd type of sex, rather it is a birth defect).
I agree that ther are effeminate males and there are masculine females.
I don't think effeminate men are women or vice versa.
I don't think that sexual reassignment surgery actually changes what sex you are in a scientific sense.
If you want to dress up and mutilate your own body that's your schtick.
I won't pretend that its normal or healthy. I would rather avoid you so as to remove the possibility that I might offend you and mental illness is uncomfortable to be around, so yeah, Im not a threat, Im too far removed to be a problem.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
So you dumb it down so that the whole thing still fits in your "world view". Good on you.
Now that you understand the difference between gender and sex would you revise your stance (regardless of how "ad hominem" it was in the first place) on him regarding the topic on this post?
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
My world view on this is the common view backed by science.
I don't mind attacking Neeeeeil DGT for talking utter nonsense, I don't attack the Maaaan. I attack the false credibility he is enshrined with by the media when he postulates into the philosophical as though it is his field of expertise.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
Oh, and when I said I refuse to listen T Neeeeil, Im not kidding.
He is smart enough not to be a Galileo Galilei and that is about as much credit as i can give him.
Not wasting my thoughts on what he says other to be skeptical of culture issues he supports to be facts.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Boooooo, boooooooo. I refuse to be lectured to by a 'scientist' who thinks Arnold rode the bike in T2 scene rather than one of his stunt guys!
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
Try rolling out Bill Nye the science guy to boost your credibility.
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Dude (Old Spike)
Fun fact did you know that Bill Nye was a friend of Sheldon Cooper till he ditched him at the smoothie place, and then got a restraining order.:)
do people really care what this bloviating has-been says? pffft.
(Short Spike)
I refuse to be lectured to by a 'scientist' who thinks sex is a social construct.
(Old Spike)
lol, (deliberately) misquoting again? Sex is defined by biology, gender is a construct of society.
If you want to look deeper into this I shared a video on the topic just yesterday. But you don't now doya.
(Short Spike)
Oh, the one that says science recognizes ony 2 sexes?
Yeah saw it
(Old Spike)
So why didn't you share your opinion on it (in the other post)? Do you actually agree?
(Old Spike)
i some what agree but the exception on the rule is, there are hermaphrodites with dick and pussy i say they are both gender or woman with enlarged clitoris, a real herma could fertilize it self wich is so rare i doubt there is one living right now.
(Short Spike)
I didn't share my opinion on Neeeeil DGT in the other post because this is the post that has NDGT in it.
I actually do agree with science, that there are only 2 sexes.
I agree that there are people who are born with mixed up sex (please note this is not a 3rd type of sex, rather it is a birth defect).
I agree that ther are effeminate males and there are masculine females.
I don't think effeminate men are women or vice versa.
I don't think that sexual reassignment surgery actually changes what sex you are in a scientific sense.
If you want to dress up and mutilate your own body that's your schtick.
I won't pretend that its normal or healthy. I would rather avoid you so as to remove the possibility that I might offend you and mental illness is uncomfortable to be around, so yeah, Im not a threat, Im too far removed to be a problem.
(Old Spike)
So you dumb it down so that the whole thing still fits in your "world view". Good on you.
Now that you understand the difference between gender and sex would you revise your stance (regardless of how "ad hominem" it was in the first place) on him regarding the topic on this post?
(Short Spike)
My world view on this is the common view backed by science.
I don't mind attacking Neeeeeil DGT for talking utter nonsense, I don't attack the Maaaan. I attack the false credibility he is enshrined with by the media when he postulates into the philosophical as though it is his field of expertise.
(Short Spike)
Oh, and when I said I refuse to listen T Neeeeil, Im not kidding.
He is smart enough not to be a Galileo Galilei and that is about as much credit as i can give him.
Not wasting my thoughts on what he says other to be skeptical of culture issues he supports to be facts.
(Old Spike)
Boooooo, boooooooo. I refuse to be lectured to by a 'scientist' who thinks Arnold rode the bike in T2 scene rather than one of his stunt guys!
(Short Spike)
Try rolling out Bill Nye the science guy to boost your credibility.
(Old Spike)
Fun fact did you know that Bill Nye was a friend of Sheldon Cooper till he ditched him at the smoothie place, and then got a restraining order.:)