Is this a joke? Just put the body in a sack and bury it by a tree, or plant a tree on the body.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
But that is not what people do in the US, afaik the bodies are embalmed for some peculiar, probably superstitious, reason...
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vinzent (Old Spike)
Yeah. People go into debt to give the dead a "fancy" burial. They like looking at the dead body a week after life left it in an expensive open casket ritual. Then they buy an expensive rock with engravings on it and an expensive plot of land to put the body and expensive coffin in.
It's a decent ritual but it's time for an update. Even the main alternative of cremation is fairly expensive and energy intensive. The put the body in a sack and bury it in a designated area is my favorite option, if it is even an option.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
Is this a joke? Just put the body in a sack and bury it by a tree, or plant a tree on the body.
(Old Spike)
But that is not what people do in the US, afaik the bodies are embalmed for some peculiar, probably superstitious, reason...
(Old Spike)
Yeah. People go into debt to give the dead a "fancy" burial. They like looking at the dead body a week after life left it in an expensive open casket ritual. Then they buy an expensive rock with engravings on it and an expensive plot of land to put the body and expensive coffin in.
It's a decent ritual but it's time for an update. Even the main alternative of cremation is fairly expensive and energy intensive. The put the body in a sack and bury it in a designated area is my favorite option, if it is even an option.