New mayor, new problems for California Homeless

lawngnome's picture

The Humanitarian Crisis In Plain Sight On The Streets Of L.A. | NBC News

A little compassion + locating/fixing the root cause might help. 

(^Full throttle consumerism, cost of living/housing/rent + overly structured zoning and housing markets.) Shopping malls, home developers, resteraunt/fast food chains and car dealerships have all contributed to what I call "The Sprawl".

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bronobo's picture

NBC doing internet-style news segments now? wasn't a bad segment, though. but pacing was a little slow. could've tried to look into what other proposals were there, theories on why the problem has been getting worse.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

If they don't want to go to shelters, why not give them campsites? 

You can't have people just camping in the streets. 

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robbby1234's picture

You can't just have people camping in the streets? I feel like you have never, ever been to a California coastal city.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Of course not, and I have no desire to visit until the country has been made great. 

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GKhan's picture

Wouldn't a lot of this be solved by giving people some land and the ability to grow their own food? I find it interesting that so many end up in a city. If you are not employed then you can't really make it on your own.

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