HA! New Zealand's days of being all smug about not having Covid-19 like the U.S. does are OVER! 170,000 dead in the U.S. but a surge of 9 CASES in NZ Monday!
Trump is a complete and total scam artist shitbag with the support of 40%+ of the population of the United States. He deserves dictatorial powers for life.
(7 votes)
(Long Spike)
I knew you would catch up.
(Old Spike)
Trump supporters must be utterly exhausted. Every day a sustained exercise in mental whack-a-mole gymnastics.
(Long Spike)
5 mil cases, 2.9 million recovered, 170k dead.
Throw out NY and NJ who killed everyone in nursing homes.
Only 100k dead. ( I know that is horrible to say, the FLU kills close to 60k world wide every year )
Yeah, I am good with those numbers, lets open it back up.
Meanwhile, in Sweden, People got sick, canceled the lock down, 3k dead. Everyone has antibodies, death toll recently.. virtually zero. Aren't leftist always heiling the Swedish model of healthcare? What gives?
(Long Spike)
Sweden now 5805 as of August 29. Looks like a big change!
(Long Spike)
(Long Spike)
No surprises there.