If they aren't careful the NFL is going to lose their female audience.
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eh (Long Spike)
It needs to be tempered by the fact that Cam Newton is a moron. Go easy on a guy that thinks his mission is to "Build my brand" by wearing top hats, bow ties, playing hand flutes in airports, and not speaking understandable english in interviews. Newton is barely functionally retarded.
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Pantysoaker (Long Spike)
and he can still beat Brady :)
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eh (Long Spike)
Well, Cam REALLY beats him in Superbowl rings and appearances. I'm sure he will really rack up a lot of Superbowl victories.
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danmanjones (Old Spike)
It's funny people take this seriously.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
You can't really talk about it because you're not black. It's kind of funny to think some non-black bro gonna talk to us about football like you could ever have anything of value to say. Check your skin color, friend; if it's not black then understand your place and close your mouth. Pfft.
(Old Spike)
If they aren't careful the NFL is going to lose their female audience.
(Long Spike)
It needs to be tempered by the fact that Cam Newton is a moron. Go easy on a guy that thinks his mission is to "Build my brand" by wearing top hats, bow ties, playing hand flutes in airports, and not speaking understandable english in interviews. Newton is barely functionally retarded.
(Long Spike)
and he can still beat Brady :)
(Long Spike)
Well, Cam REALLY beats him in Superbowl rings and appearances. I'm sure he will really rack up a lot of Superbowl victories.
(Old Spike)
It's funny people take this seriously.
(Long Spike)
You can't really talk about it because you're not black. It's kind of funny to think some non-black bro gonna talk to us about football like you could ever have anything of value to say. Check your skin color, friend; if it's not black then understand your place and close your mouth. Pfft.