has it become painfully obvious that someone has to post something in response to this stuff. it has them like
"they're going to kill my family"
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Look how they have tracks leading right to their positions. This is some real amateur level shit. This cannot be sustainable, they are not the soviet union anymore and even with China. The amount of losses of equipment and personnel is really staggering. Hopefully with USA and NATO supplying them they can win this, its a war of attrition now. And I dont think Russia has the resources to support a prolonged conflict like this.
(sounds retarded)
(sounds retarded)
Look how they have tracks leading right to their positions. This is some real amateur level shit. This cannot be sustainable, they are not the soviet union anymore and even with China. The amount of losses of equipment and personnel is really staggering. Hopefully with USA and NATO supplying them they can win this, its a war of attrition now. And I dont think Russia has the resources to support a prolonged conflict like this.