Now there are various things wrong with this incident.
Cyclist jumps red light (as they like to do) without paying any attention at all to traffic that has priority, he even looks the other way. This was not a mistake neither as he had to pass vehicles waiting at the lights (video below). It looks he wasn't in a hurry, so why do this in the first place?
The alleged driver Any Degese doesn't even touch the brakes and hits the cyclist when he is almost past her, which means she was distracted, probably texting or otherwise engaged on her phone, maybe putting on make up.
She then doesn't stop after the accident, what a cunt!
(4 votes)
(Old Spike)
Notice she is driving towards the sun by the building shadow? You can tell in the first video that the shadow ends just off screen to the right as you can see the upper corner. The glare can be pretty bad off even a clean windshield. The sun is also at the angle towards where the biker was coming from. It could have played a factor, but I can't explain leaving the scene. She's going to need a good excuse.
(Old Spike)
One excuse would be that she was drinking or doing drugs, they still haven't found her.
She is still sobering up, or someone killed her, stole her car and stuffed her body down the drain, she may have been in the trunk of that vehicle during the accident.
(Old Spike)
Yes but when your visibility is reduced you should reduce speed accordingly. I think the driver was not paying attention or under the influence, because the automatic reaction if something like this happens is to brake, the car wasn't even slowing down.
(Old Spike)
I looked at the tape again, there was a woman with a mouth mask in the car, she was looking straight forward, and soon as it happened she looked in her rear view mirror.
So i say alcohol.
(Old Spike)
Man that was a great hit for him. Missed full impact, looks like it didn't even hit his leg.
(Old Spike)
"I was about to look right", after you were 75% of the way through the intersection... "I also like to live dangerously"