According to german press Mr. Reinking's guns were seized due to his mental condition following an incident near the white house. His father claimed and returned them to him lateron.
But hey it's all a leftist marxist conspiracy.
And the guy who took the gun off the shooter was black and UNARMED, a really sad day for the righty wingy snowy flakey world.....
(7 votes)
(Long Spike)
Something something good guy with a gun?
(Old Spike)
Is this a van problem? If not then you've just answered your own question Daftcunt.
(Long Spike)
Good call. How about we add up intentional homicide gun deaths and compare them to intentional homicide vehicle deaths. Surely you'll be okay with that.
(Old Spike)
I haven't asked a question!
This is a problem involving a van that has been used by a right wing activist (hence not a terrorist attack, correct?) outside the use it was intended for.
The questions really are: should it have been so easy for a mentally deranged person to get his guns back?
Would a licensing and registration procedure have helped to prevent this?
(Long Spike)
Are there people arguing against gun control for mentally disturbed people?
(Old Spike)
i think liberals (not-MAGA) know that this is a gun problem not a gun problem for me obv
(Old Spike)
Guns don't kill people. Naked zombies kill people.
(Long Spike)
Naked zombies with guns kill people?
(Old Spike)
Nake zombie + gun = deadly force multiplier. Say no to naked zombies with guns!
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
Does your child look borderline retarded?
Don't buy him a gun. He might just live up to his face.