Should be more guns. A good guy with a gun would cancel out a psycho mass murderer with a gun. Guns. More guns. There's always thoughts and prayers anyway.
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sal9000 (Long Spike)
how about this. everyone gets a gun and we tell the psychos that if they're going to do a mass murder, they need to wear a pink top hat
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backdraft (Dixie Normous: Image specialist)
Only works for honest psychos tho. Also, it's tricky if there's a good guy in the process of turning into a psycho.
(Old Spike)
Should be more guns. A good guy with a gun would cancel out a psycho mass murderer with a gun. Guns. More guns. There's always thoughts and prayers anyway.
(Long Spike)
how about this. everyone gets a gun and we tell the psychos that if they're going to do a mass murder, they need to wear a pink top hat
(Dixie Normous: Image specialist)
Only works for honest psychos tho. Also, it's tricky if there's a good guy in the process of turning into a psycho.