nsfw, very, very, very nsfw

sal9000's picture

An unsuccessful attempt by a Russian military to shoot down a Ukrainian FPV drone in the village

i uploaded this vid two weeks ago and i've spent the rest of the time deciding on whether or not to post it. i gave it some time to see if youtube would remove it. it made me think of a bunch of things. like, without intel. it's basically a fishing expedition so they pack enough explosives to destroy a vehicle. its because no vehicles were found, they hit people. now, whats future drone warfare going to look like? smaller anti-personnel drones carrying smaller but still lethal explosives. controlled by an ai trained to target anybody in the area. a limited battery life guaranties they won't wonder from a designated area and an explosive that detonates after a certain amount of time. also, at what point is it more practical to put someones remains in a bucket instead of body bag?

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backdraft's picture
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This is fine. It's a quick death.

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I appreciate someone taking their time and not jumping on a clip and instaposting.... as this one makes you think. Imo this was not meant for one guy, still....anyone who saw that is fubar. 


Makes me think about Afghanistan and how glad I am we have no one there anymore. The payloads these fuckers carry, how!? Is this the reason for the shitshow of a pullout?


I think it's going all directions, bigger and smaller, autonomous swarms, I know that's what the West is expecting.

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