Officer Arrests 3 Sober Drivers for DUI

hello kitty's picture

1 officer arrests 3 sober drivers for DUI

You could be stone cold sober and get a DUI! Drive safe.

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Pdub's picture

One wonders if Goodlettes police are just projecting their own intoxications.

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hello kitty's picture

I was stopped once at a random DUI checkpoint, cop took me out of the car, and while questioning me he pushed me against the car with his hand flat on my chest and said...."Your hearts beating fast, why's you're heart beating so fast?" with his face all close to mine. I was sober, he wreaked of alcohol........i found it ironic. 

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Accuser's picture

Very, very real. Cost me 5K to go to court with a competent lawyer for a definite win because I had a smoothie between the seats, no drinking, no speeding, everything in order. It's all a money play. Cops fill their quotas, lawyers make money, the legal system has to fill it's quota of activity, and politicians make bucks. It sucks.

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GKhan's picture

Did you get your money back?

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Accuser's picture

Absolutely not. The money went to the lawyer. I could have chanced going without one but the system is rigged and I might have lost. Also, had to pay for bail, towing, and storage of my car. No court fees though! Sickening.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

This FIELD SOBRIETY TEST is the dumbest thing ever, I don't know of any other country in the world where this idiocy is performed.

Leaving it to incompetent people to assess this is ridiculous beyond belief. 

There are quick tests for drugs and breathalysers for alcohol.


Also: how sad is it that an educator needs to supplement their income by slaving for uber?

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

In Belgium all they give you is a breath test you don't even have to get out the car for it, if you are found positive with the little breathalyser they have a van with equipment to determine how much exactly is in your system.

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Accuser's picture

Makes too much sense. That would be instantly rejected here.

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Same here.

Sometimes on weekends they set up "stakeouts". The cops pull every car over and gives them breathalyzer test. Takes 10 seconds.

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