oh boy, Avengers: Infinity War


Grothesk's picture

Meh.  Even though Thor is in this, Thor: Ragnarok and Deadpool ruined serious PG-13 comic book movies for me forever.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

so first. thor ragnarok is pg 13, deadpool is rated r.

secondly and most importantly. out of all the thor movies, ragnarok ruined it? not natalie portman in either of the first two films?


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Grothesk's picture

What I mean is that I can't go back to PG-13, serious comic book movies.  It's like having a 56K modem and then going to a T1 line...they're just ruined because the serious ones just won't reach that level for me.

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danmanjones's picture

And Logan. Mind you, most of what was good about Thor Ragnorok was not R-rated

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Grothesk's picture

Agreed on that.  And there's nothing wrong with a PG-13 movie...but I'm old enough to remember what "PG-13" means in terms of quality and content...very typically both suffer when a movie could be "R" instead.

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napalm4sd's picture

what if they release a directors cut edition blu ray where Thanos crushes some poor bastards skull? Then would you be down?

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Grothesk's picture

No, that's not going to increase or decrease the blood pressure reaching my penis.

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