the one nice thing in the white house............


trooper_trent's picture

so fucking weird. It's just surreal.  

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Evulva 1's picture

She's nothing more than bought and sold


But I don't really care, do you?


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Pdub's picture

She should have just opened that jacket and stripped right there.


"Let's awl ev eh gued dyme"



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GKhan's picture

“All she [Melania] wanted was a green card and a baby" - Wendy Williams

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Dagambit's picture

Love how the intorlerance and supposedly pro immigrant left media, make fun of her accent and her citizenship. They never attack anything she actually says, just hate everything about her personally based on race, country of origin, accent or skin color. 


Yup, racist left.  All your minority candidates and you vote Biden in LOL.. then he hands VP based on gender and race, EXACTLY the definition of racism. lol.. Hypocrites.

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GKhan's picture

I thought people made fun of the fact that she was a high paid prostitute.

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Evulva 1's picture

Oohh you got the left there with that insightful roundhouse

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