openAI + robot =?


daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Now, don't get me wrong, this is awesome (unless it is just remote controlled and a human voice), but it got the place for the plate wrong. As the apple was on the plate it is potentially contaminated, it would need to be cleaned first. The placement of the cup is at least questionable as it also may have been used before. Lastly neither came from a sink or a dishwasher.

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subroutine's picture
front page

you arrogant superior human being  <3

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

But it is good to know that this isn't perfect.

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Pdub's picture

Lazy white boy could have done that shit hisself. 

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GKhan's picture

Was thinking the same thing, how are we going to make these things have the ability to reason and not think, fuck you humans are lazy.

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

I'm hungry , robot ,let me help you ....picks up apple , tears open the dudes stomach and puts apple what could go wrong ? 

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