Osama Died 11 Years Ago


danmanjones's picture

No way it was Seal Team Six. They verified his ID by tweeting his DNA sample to HQ right before tossing his body into the Ocean.

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On the morning of 27 December, Bhutto met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai.[330] In the afternoon, she gave a speech at a PPP rally held in Rawalpindi's Liaquat National Bagh.[331] On leaving in a bulletproof vehicle, she opened the car's escape hatch and stood up to wave to the surrounding crowds.[332] A man stood within two to three metres of the car, fired three gunshots at her, and detonated a suicide vest packed with ball bearings.[333] Bhutto was fatally injured; reports differ as to whether she was hit by bullets or by shrapnel from the explosion.[334] Bhutto was rushed to Rawalpindi General Hospital but was clinically dead on arrival and attempts at resuscitation were unsuccessful.[335] No autopsy was conducted, and the body was swiftly transported to Chaklala Air Base.[336] The following day, she was buried next to her father in the Bhutto family mausoleum, Garhi Khuda Baksh, her family graveyard near Larkana.[337] PPP supporters rioted in various parts of Pakistan.[338]

Authorities claimed that the assassin had been a teenage boy from South Waziristan.[339] They claimed to have proof that the attack had been masterminded by Baitullah Mehsud, leader of the Pakistani Taliban.[340][341] The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency concurred that this was probable;[342] Mehsud believed that Bhutto's pro-American and secularist agenda would undermine the Pakistani Taliban's control of South Waziristan and hinder the growth of Sunni Islamist radicalism.[343] Mehsud denied the accusation,[344] with al-Qaeda spokesman Mustafa Abu al-Yazid instead claiming that his organisation had carried out the killing on the order of its second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri.[343] The PPP accused the government of a cover-up,[345] with several PPP figures claiming that Bhutto had been killed by a sniper linked to the intelligence agencies.[346] Within Pakistan, there was also public speculation that the attack might have been masterminded by India or the United States.[347] Musharraf agreed to invite Britain's Scotland Yard to investigate the assassination.[348] Requests for the body to be exhumed for an autopsy were rejected by Zardari.[349]

Memorial at the site of the assassination

The election was postponed from January to February 2008,[350] and was won by a coalition established between the PPP and the Pakistan Muslim League (N).[350] The new coalition put forth Yousuf Raza Gilani as Prime Minister.[350] Musharraf, facing likely impeachment, resigned as President in August.[350] He fled to London although, in February 2011, a Rawalpindi court issued a subpoena for him on the grounds that he had not acted on known threats to Bhutto and had provided insufficient security to protect her.[351] In Bhutto's political will, she had designated her husband Asif Ali Zardari as her political successor, but Zardari made their nineteen-year-old son, Bilawal, the Chairman of the PPP [352][353][354] and he became co-chair of the PPP.[350] In September 2008, Zardari was elected President of Pakistan by the country's electoral college.[355]

As President, Zardari called for a United Nations investigation into his wife's assassination.[346] In 2009, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon established a three-person team to lead the investigation comprising the Chilean Heraldo Muñoz, Irish Peter FitzGerald, and Indonesian Marzuki Darusman.[356] Although it was not in the commission's remit to identify a culprit,[357] Muñoz later expressed the view that the assassination was likely carried out by the Pakistani Taliban, perhaps with the support of Mehsud, and that they may well have been assisted by rogue elements in the country's intelligence agencies.[358] He also expressed the view that the original police investigation had been deliberately botched.[359] In February 2012, the Pakistani official enquiry issued its final report, placing responsibility for the attack with 27 different militant groups.[360] In May 2013, the state's main prosecutor in the Bhutto case, Zulfikar Ali, was himself assassinated in Islamabad.[351] There was never a smoking gun in the Bhutto investigation.[358] Many in Pakistan had reasons for wanting Bhutto dead;[358] her killing was advantageous to both the military establishment and to the Islamic fundamentalists who despised her.[

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