Though advertised as a fun romp it's apparently 114 mins of pure hatred of men. See this spoilerific review where Drinker actually goes the extra step and warns against letting your kids see this one.
(4 votes)
Though advertised as a fun romp it's apparently 114 mins of pure hatred of men. See this spoilerific review where Drinker actually goes the extra step and warns against letting your kids see this one.
(Long Spike)
at least Barbie is still white. I watched Barbie then Oppenhimer back2back, shit was wild
(Old Spike)
You know what's crazy? When men do the same fucking thing, they get attacked and shamed to oblivion. Hmm, maybe Barbieworld is an inverse to the real world, and what women are trying to do now will just backfire and everything will go back to normal.
All hail the patriarchy!
(Old Spike)
Well it is a twisted view of the movie
Barbie land is a girls fantasy, girls don't play Ken, they play Barbie as it is themselves, Barbie goes to work, she is the star in the girls fantasy.
And it is good that they warn little girls about the sexualization of women in the real world, this guy who calls himself a critic should ease down on the booze, what kind of mangled up anger is that?
(Site Moderator)
Have to watch this just to see if I agree with him or not....
The drinker has been on a long-lasting rant about Hollywood's feminist views and forced diversity and it is a real thing, but I'm curious if he's just so obsessed about it at this point that it's all he sees.
(Old Spike)
just something to think about. critical drinker was on russell brands show last week
(Site Moderator)
What should we think about it?
(Site Administrator)
you know...
the Thing!...to think about...on account of his being on Russell Brand....I mean duh! :-)
(Old Spike)
many moons ago i made allusions that critical drinkers primary focus was to make negative reviews. when you consider his views on things you touched on above. his appearance on russell's show isn't happenstance
(Old Spike)
Oh fuck off..... if you can't grasp the story consisting of a little girl's imagination...... pepe is bad.....it's a little girl's imagination. Boys are always the enemy and or accessories....... until they're not :P.....It's a story told by a girl with a fucking barbie! It's like our transformers, who is the storyteller? Is it your child's mind! ... who's telling the story in the live adaptations? You are....so.... would be fucking weird if the 40+-year-old you is creating new worlds and started pew pew your old toys.
You wish you had your gen.1 transformers, but only to sell off @ ebay
It's just fun for women..... is that so fucking bad? It's nostalgia and self-deprecating jokes....
(Site Administrator)
I hear you. You're saying to enjoy it on face value. No hidden, deep dark meaning. Especially not..
But answer me this. If it's such innocent fun, when's the last time in recent memory where we saw the equivalent for little boys.
(Old Spike)
Plenty of "action figure" movies out there. Reason may be that male action figures are not as popular any more but barbie dolls still are?
(Site Administrator)
So you think of Bumblebee as male on account of the fact that he was able to 'lubricate' that G6 agent while standing up? Plus RC fembot features in the latest movie with a human girl subplot from what I see in the trailers.
(Old Spike)
Dennis the menace
(Site Administrator)
You mean Dennis the Menace 1987-2007? Alas, he went before his time. I said recently, please. Hint, don't bother..there's none. We said too much masculinity is toxic nowadays.
You remember when the trailers for the new Star Wars first started to air, and we didn't care that the new 'chosen one' (Jedi) was female, we were just glad to have SW back? ... And remember what we actually got? Yeah...good times.
(Old Spike)
that "fuck of" was intended for the Critical Drinker btw, well not him directly, more a form of disagreement. (need an editor so I don't come off wrong)
Don't know If most kids even get Barbies anymore. NM, checked selling like never before. (2022 numbers) Can't think of a single live adaptation of any toys for girls or women? Boys you got Ninja turtles and GI-Joe in recent 10 years of woke and they tanked. As for Barbie, grown women are the drivers and targets for woke shit. Should also remember It's PG13.... tells me a lot about who they made it for. They need and want it woke as fuck or there be riots with hordes of screaming blue hair lesbians kicking you in the balls with Dr.Martins. Men, however, unless impressed upon by a woman don't give a shit!
Can only conclude it was made for women and you know guys that are a little happy and for some reason carry a lisp for no reason. Kids will ofc. see it... kinda sucks i think?
SW...... yeah ..... only good Star Wars for the past 20 years has been in games... Force Unleashed anyone? Best story yet! imo.
(Site Moderator)
Just one question. Did you see the movie?
(Site Administrator)
Bonus points if you wore combat boots, pink ballerina skirt and tiara cause it was father-daughter night and you rushed straight to the premiere from a tea party with her stuffed toys.
(Site Moderator)
My 2 daughters just went to the movies and actually told them to go see it but warned them that it's full of man hate ;) They were so put off by this that they decided to go see possibly even a shittier movie: Insidious, The red door. (already the fifth part in the series so it has to be total garbage)
(Old Spike)
yes me and a girl..... 40 groups of shitfaced women ..... i couldn't hear shit, they where drunk and obnoxious, Me and the girl is fairly new...... I look at her while I put on noise-cancelling airphones. Quite romantic in fact..... she just nodded.
(Old Spike)
Fuck, I'll have to watch it now, just to see whether this is simple confirmation bias or does he really have a point.
Irritating is the fat girl in "barbieworld". I thought they were always criticised because the doll had "impossible" proportions?
(Site Moderator)
Looked at some reviews on IMDB. I think he might be on to something. Starts out fun and campy but becomes in-your-face-preachy about patriarchy as it goes on. And a lot of women echoed the same thing.
(Site Administrator)
Spare yourself the trouble. See update here. Also check last two minutes/edit where normally easy-going reviewer 'Midnight's Edge' went to see the movie. Yikes.
(Old Spike)
(Old Spike)
That expression on her face I would jump back into my clothes and we never talk again!... unless it's play...... then it's on!
(Site Administrator)
Dude when she opens the sliding door and is there buff naked in all her glory. Magnificent.
(Old Spike)
i know.... but her expression is disapproving...... likely due to my baby dick..... what can you do!
(Old Spike)
Because of her I watched ALL episodes of Pan Am. I admit in shame!
(Long Spike)
(Old Spike)
A film promoting both frauensicht and queer theory, as the latter is actively cannibalizing the former.
And the dialectic progresses.