Parking on the Highway


skeptoid's picture

This is actually a great showcase of the handling capabilities of modern cars when an alert driver is behind the wheel.

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Grothesk's picture

That's a very good point!

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Muchos Munchbagger's picture

Is there absolutely no way to pull over to the shoulder?

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GKhan's picture

Seriously, the car clearly could coast, so the driver likely chose to stop their vehicle there. Idiot. I've seen a guy stop on a highway, on a steep hill, just over the crest and get out and go to the front and open the hood to look at the engine,

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skeptoid's picture

I was driving on the 407 ETR, a toll highway, and everything came to a stop for 2.5 hours. When I finally got to the cause of the delay it was a dump truck that had stalled at the top crest of a hill like with your example. No one could see that beyond the dump truck the roads were clear and as everyone realized that's all it was as they went by there were many angry verbalizations. I was one of them, although that may have been a case where there was literally no way to coast it to the shoulder.

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Lambus's picture

At 0:30, why didn't that police officer turn on thier lights when they encountered a stalled car on the highway, and contact highway patrol?!!!




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hell_viper1's picture
Beta Tester

That cop at 0:30 should be fired IMO. That literally is his fucking job, and it could have very easily cost someone their life.

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