At least he's got his priorities right AND shares!
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Nakey (Site Administrator)
the best part would be watching him try to walk down the stairs after they land safely.
and btw can you actually take a bottle like that on the plane? cause if you can next time i fly i'm going in with a carry on :D
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
You can, as long as you bought it in the "duty free" shop. However, under normal circumstances on a plane you are not allowed to consume alcohol other than that purchased on board.
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
Fucking hillarious! God made the engines fail to entertein herself in the first place you dumb little cunts.
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boldfart (Long Spike)
A round of appaluse for the virgin Mary for not turning up!
(Long Spike)
YouTube title: Passangers start praying blardy blardy blah
First dude you see : *Glug Glug Glug
(Old Spike)
At least he's got his priorities right AND shares!
(Site Administrator)
the best part would be watching him try to walk down the stairs after they land safely.
and btw can you actually take a bottle like that on the plane? cause if you can next time i fly i'm going in with a carry on :D
(Old Spike)
You can, as long as you bought it in the "duty free" shop. However, under normal circumstances on a plane you are not allowed to consume alcohol other than that purchased on board.
(Old Spike)
Fucking hillarious! God made the engines fail to entertein herself in the first place you dumb little cunts.
(Long Spike)
A round of appaluse for the virgin Mary for not turning up!