People With Tourette's Meet For The First Time


Dagambit's picture

How come there is no "polite" tourettes? Some that just yells or blurts out pleases and thank yous? You figure as soon as they are diagnosed, you just make the polite words taboo. 

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

It's a "Don't think of a pink elephant" kind of scenario. 

Wonder what would these people do if it was socially acceptable to say "fuck off" in any situation.  

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The Evil Bat's picture

Move to Australia?

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Pdub's picture

I'm sorry.  I fucking died when the narrator said they trigger each other's tics.

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The Evil Bat's picture

I died watching it happen.

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NoToucH's picture

Two weeks ago at work I was fixing some optical fiber installation, my college liked her and was bald enough to ask her some personal questions about the place and how much she payed for it, tuned out it was for free cus she had goverment aid, he asked her what is her problem, she said she had some form of autism and that she was and could be very direct....My college used the ticket to check her name and google it for social media, instead he found a article about people with Tourette's syndroms and she was giving the interview cus she had it aswell. Nice way to say you got tourette's huh, im very direct, she did not act out however in the 15 minutes we were there, so that revelation was pretty funny.

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