no, isn't sufficient enough for him
i'm not posting the original. it's hot garbage. once he loses his license, he's just some guy spouting right wing ideologies
self identifying as a clinical psychologist doesn't make you one
(2 votes)
no, isn't sufficient enough for him
i'm not posting the original. it's hot garbage. once he loses his license, he's just some guy spouting right wing ideologies
self identifying as a clinical psychologist doesn't make you one
(Old Spike)
This would be hilarious if he wouldn't be taken seriously by way too many incels and wanna be machos!
What a complete and utter cunt he is.
(Site Administrator)
Is it possible he's saying that for it to be historically recognized as a crime that a sufficient number of men also had to consider rape objectionable / abhorrent? We can't tell from the way the video is chopped up and the hosts' interspersed comments if he is referring to this in historical context (meaning the law's development). You just need to visit your local jail to see how the other inmates treat rapists if you're curious what present-day opinion on rape/rapists is in western society.
I absolutely agree that Peterson's fumbling around on this one. Definitely cringe. Certainly not his best work. But also not cancelable based on this chopped-up video.
(Old Spike)
Well, 9000 has taken it upon himself to decide FOR you that the original is garbage. Watch the original for yourself then you can decide on the quality of his lecture.
(Old Spike)
lol, lecture is not what he does (i.e. he is not educating) here, he preaches to his tards.
(Site Administrator)
Ok. Weird. From the little bit of video I saw he seems to be talking with someone. I missed the rumble of the crowd. Didn't hear anybody refer to him as 'master' which I assume is the usual....nothing like that.
(Old Spike)
lol, yeah "preaching" is something you only do to a live audience, youtube videos do not count.
I agree on what you said about the commentary, though, cringeworthy, so I skipped it and only watched the peterson bits. They remain disgusting, and are aimed directly at his flock of incels and wannabe "alphamales" of the family.
(Site Administrator)
'..They remain disgusting, and are aimed directly at his flock of incels and wannabe "alphamales" of the family. ' Says you.
And we rely on your input here Daft. With your atheist ways you are indeed best suited to be our moral compass. Our north star. Daft knows what's right...with the spontaneous goodness inherent of the liberated 'humanist' heart. That's why you're coming out against rape, here. Rape is wrong. Including the taking of war brides (aka the raping of female captives) I suppose.
A friendly reminder there's only 5 weeks to Ramadan. Can't wait to see what you post for us that day. ;-)
(Site Administrator)
religiously inspired moralistic personal attacks in defense of a cult leader.
game set match dc
(Site Administrator)
Meanwhile your freaking avatar is Mau. Tell us more will ya.
(Site Administrator)
Mao > Jesus
(Site Administrator)
(Old Spike)
ROFL, defending the despicable cunt is if he were your parish priest accused of raping young boys, just goes to show that morality has nothing to do with religion or religious belief.
When the topic comes up you clearly state you believe you have the moral highground just because you are a follower of a certain religious sect, however, in all your comments (especially when you are cornered) you show how low and sect related your standards of morality actually are. It is not surprising at all that you like peterson, you fit right into his target audience of insecure wannabe alpha male.
Rape is wrong FULL STOP. There is no additional qualification necessary, but you, like peterson, don't seem to agree on that one and feel the need to add a "male protecting role".
Lastly if you are so obsessed with islamic holidays why don't you post something about it and at the same time explain to us how your imaginary daddy is more real than theirs.
(Site Administrator)
Parag.1. Not defending, not entirely. I still find his fumbling comments, as presented above, awkward as hell. The only difference is I'm not willing to come to your conclusion based on the snippets above...And again with the buttsex, as a rule with you. Maybe spit on the grave of Rev. Arselecher the next time you visit your home town. I dunno.
Parag.2. I needed to hear that, I really did, cause I live for your approval. Meanwhile you don't even recognize where the backbone of the moral (what do you Dawkinites call it,.. humanist?) code you live by comes from. Tell me when you're moving to one of those other countries and I'll pay for your cab to the airport. You're the equivalent of a man who stands on another man's shoulders, just so he can spit on his head. An ingrate at most.
Parag.3. You misunderstood. You usually do. He's saying that it wouldn't be 'wrong' unless men objected to it also. eg. Here in the 'west' we say 'Stop that! I hate you. I'll kill you for doing that!' cause such men are scum to us. Yes, in part cause we have a wife, a daughter, a sister, a mother and can't imagine this happening to them. God forbid. Conversely there are places on earth where you and 30 of your closest friends can form a mob and fingerbang lady tourists at the train station. Where's your universal humanist ideal gone to now?
Parag.4. No, no, no. I'll leave it to the master. Show us the way. Personally I'm hoping you'll post a video of someone giving icecream to a dog in a park.. while the sun is still up...on a hot spring day.
(Old Spike)
"He's saying that it wouldn't be 'wrong' unless men objected to it also."
Dafuck? Are you so nuts to even consider this as an argument? Regardless of whether (some) men would object to it there is no "rape being not wrong" argument. FULL STOP.
(Site Administrator)
Agree. Full stop.
But you and I also consider women as fellow human beings. Not lesser than. This is part of our societal fabric.
There are places where if a woman comes forward with an allegation of rape, SHE'S the one thrown in jail for fornication. Why are you denying this is a thing.
(Old Spike)
Yes, our society has (fairly recently) evolved to give women the same rights and privileges as men have, still with a few exceptions (like no female catholic priests) and idiotic quirks (like women's quotas).
And before you start, all this despite and not because of the influence of the predominant religious sects in the western world!
(Site Administrator)
It's cute because you're so ignorant. In scripture women were the first to hear of Jesus's resurrection (from the gardener/angel guarding his tomb) and ran back to report it to the apostles. Sure Jesus apparently shows up later but it was only Thomas who needed to see with his own eyes to believe. Still, the significance of the women being taken at their word, as equals to men, for the first time in the written record (fiction for you) can't be underestimated here.
(Old Spike)
What has "hearing of something" or "being taken by their word" have to do with equality? It simply means they were not considered notorious liars.
It is funny how you try to read things that are not really there.
(Site Administrator)
Like I said, cute. You're missing the significance of the verse. 7 centuries later an arabian caravan robber and war lord wrote in his religious text that it took the testimony of 2 women to equal that of one man, in case they were mistaken,.. due to their intellectual deficiency. According to that book they remain 'lesser than' to this day. Extrapolate what you will in terms of what that means when one woman accuses a man of sexual misconduct in that part of the world (even in present day).
(Site Administrator)
I'll see your gender inequality in court & raise you religiously-inspired genocide
(Site Administrator)
I know, right? thought threatening women and children was an original idea from Putin? The old testament is chalk full of the stuff. You know that Moses was a general, right? That bit where he threw the tablets and the lighting and the fire... You know he grabbed his hundred best men and rode into the valley and slaughtered the hethans (his own people) just cause they were misbehaving, right? Just sayin'.
(Old Spike)
Just because your fairytale book isn't as bad as that of others it doesn't make it good.
Ephesians 5:23
For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior.
1 Peter 3:7
Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.
Colossians 3:18
Wives, submit to your husbands as is fitting in the lord.
(Site Administrator)
Man leads. Honor your wife. Man leads....Sorry, you just got most of us nodding our heads and nostalgizing over what must surely have been the good ol' days.
What's your point.
(Old Spike)
lol, of course none of the wannabe alphas or incels would get it. Also a perfect example of selective reading, hillarious, thank you.
"the husband is the head of the wife"
"Wives, submit to your husbands"
(Site Administrator)
It's well-known that even when the man is the head, the woman is the neck. (Not mine, stolen from movie Big fat Greek wedding '). But your statement above is equally hilarious because it shows your selective reading. Why did you leave out the bit about honoring your wife?
(Old Spike)
"Why did you leave out the bit about honoring your wife?"
This is like someone saying "value your employees", though.
In any case "Wives, submit to your husbands" is what is important, isn't it.
(Site Administrator)
Wow. So it almost sounds like in the old days, these parables (fiction in your estimation) advised wives to submit to their husbands in order to preserve the long-lasting peace or something. Like giving the more physically powerful sex, the hunter, farmer, worker and provider for the family the 'veto' (from ancient times to the present era) wasn't a good idea. If a guy got fed up and left back then, a family would starve. We all know that today, a lady will simply remind you that your shoes are by the door and by many accounts be better off without you. But this is only recently the case. I wish to submit here for your consideration: you're just standing in present day and pissing on the past, bud.
(Old Spike)
lol, again, sweet talk this shit as long as you like, it only makes you look ridiculous.
The bible also tells the devout believer to treat their slaves well.
When, in fact, it should say: don't be a misogynistic cunt and treat your wife as your equal as she has (should have) the same rights you have, and don't fucking own slaves!
The roles of "who does what" in the relationship shouldn't be of any concern in this!
(Site Administrator)
Yes, yes, I'm sure next you'll tell us German slaves were the best. Look, it's just plain amusing that you think the structure those two books (from thousands of years ago) offered and that still underpins the function of present-day society is something we would have done better without. It would have all been better if you went back with your present-day sensibilities and told folks how to do things.
Next week on Daftcunt steals a TARDIS..
(Old Spike)
Well, these are the "teachings" of you personal, superhuman, knowitall god, right? If it existed there would be NO FUCKING EXCUSE for this. Looking at it "period" correct only shows you what it is, a nice little piece of oh so human fiction.
We humans had to develop to find out that slavery maybe isn't the best idea and that we should consider women equal, the later even took until WAY into the 20th century, no help from your imaginary friend or the church, quite the opposite.
Your meme is rather pathetic in this context, we are not talking about science but ethic and moral BEHAVIOUR.
(Site Administrator)
The meme was spot on as it highlights your ignorance. The books were written in such a way as to be understood at the time and to promote a healthy functioning society. You realize that if it started with 'First I harnessed the power of the Hydrogen atom, promoting a sustained fusion reaction in a large mass we will call a star..' you've lost half your readers right there, right? I mean, how could you be smarter than my 'personal superhuman know-it-all God' and not understand this basic first step in writing the planet's bestseller.
Seriously though, if the church, dalai lama, and others didn't help bring about change (remember that the Romans only stopped the coliseum games due to Christianity becoming the dominant religion), what did you (talking bout atheist crybabies such as yourself) do.. exactly?
(Old Spike)
In your blindness you again draw parallels between science and ethics, so I'll further dumb it down for you:
NOBODY would have understood electricity, HOWEVER EVERYBODY would have understood "owning slaves" = bad and "seeing your wife as one's equal partner and not as one's subordinate" = good.
So I repeat myself: "Your meme is rather pathetic in this context, we are not talking about science but ethic and moral BEHAVIOUR."
It is hillarious how people decide which of the "words of god" are to be discarded.
(Site Administrator)
Meme is still good you're just dumb. eg. In YOUR blindness you fail to realize just how your modern message would have gone down,.. not about electricity, an example in your case might be: 'burn your bras, sisters! down with the patriarchy' (beta). Quite the hill to die on. I mean, we're all impressed.
Seriously, how can you be so..daft.
(Old Spike)
"How the message would have gone down?" So you are saying the morality and ethics were always there but simply not revealed to the plebs?
Yes that figures, doesn't it. And they made sure that it won't be for as long as they could, didn't they. Many still try.
(Old Spike)
The Left doesn't call it rape anymore. It's called consent averse, Preferably a Sexual Emergency. Gotta keep up if you want to maintain that moral high ground your useful idiots rioted and lied so hard to seize.
(Site Administrator)
@tbs, I'll agree the left (new-left?) has become unhinged. It's right up there with folks trying to say minor-attracted-person instead of what it really is, pedophile. Just not sure who the power hungry useful idiots are in your comment.
(Old Spike)
Just the deceived masses that are collectively supporting self destructive causes because they can't see beyond the issues they are pushing. Some even see the damage that they are doing and want the destructive outcomes because they feel it's their best chance to hurt those they disagree with fundamentally. In fact that spite is so strong they will suffer any deprivation to themselves just to drag the other down with them.
(Site Administrator)
@TBS. I agree wholeheartedly. Some folks see those that might just barely have a go at a balanced spiritual life and say.. 'what even IS that' and piss on everything. They claim to be secular but fall in the routine of trying to convert you to their way of thinking. Like a Jehovah's witness rapping on your door first thing Saturday morning.. and all the while claiming to be the enlightened one.
(Site Administrator)
All I'm saying @daftcunt is the world was on fire then and your best contribution to alter the trajectory of humanity would have been to offer unisex toilets. They had those back then by the way. It was called the tree out back behind the house.
(Site Administrator)
Did Gervais tweeze his eyebrows for this one? Anyway.. this would be your crude understanding. This will always be your crude understanding. Send us a postcard when you go someplace and make it better selling your particular brand of good-without-God schlock.
(Old Spike)
As always, the more you are cornered, the more you lash out.
I'll try one last time: Please explain why the MORALITY and ETHICS (NOT technological advancements) of your personal god have changed over time? It made up the rules, people should adhere to them, or not? Couldn't be more simple.
And please try without the "people weren't ready" bullshit, your Jesus didn't care, even died for his cause according to your bible......
(Site Administrator)
You've heard the expression casting pearls before swine? Whatever it is, whether I already alluded to it above or not, trust me, you're not open to it. ;-)
Good weekend.
(Old Spike)
Well, why would I be?
I asked the same thing several times, (dumbing it down more every time) and you replied with different non-answers.
So I can only come to one conclusion, you are so deluded that you can't see the hypocrisy of this. You are not alone though, but fortunately, at least in the developed world, people tend less and less to believe i a big brother in the sky.
(Site Administrator)
You and your hypocrisy continue to be a source of great amusement. Developed world..ever ask yourself how and why? No, I imagine you wouldn't. No link no pattern at all. Move along. Get some rest You've got to milk the chickens first thing in the morning. Your lack of self awareness is so cute it could have its own category in the special Olympics but sure, thanks for dumbing things down so we understand.
(Site Administrator)
Agree BS. The commentary was also cringe in places. Beard-face was just missing a Kermit the frog puppet while he made fun of Peterson's voice.