The ferocity with which the woke brigade goes after this subject and especially the expert Jimmy is featuring here yet again says it all doesn't it?
Big Pharma/MSM pushed and even enforced drug treatment cost: $3000
Cost of Ivermectin Dose Recommended for to treat COVID: $0.06
Let's not a single one of us ever again make the mistake of calling any of the woke brigade "Marxists". Fuck, Jimmy is half Marxist and seems like he can adopt some aspects of Marxist thought into his belief system while still maintaining clearly recognizable Christian principles.
The woke brigade are Hegelian - they are the closest you'll find to actual Nazis in our modern times. But they are not Nazis. The ultimate distillation of an active hatred of the creator (whether he exists or not in their minds), iterated over time, evolves naturally into a clownish form of Satanism. Maximize suffering, maximize confusion, maximize death - punish God for creating this reality and "putting me in it" - that's what it boils down to after 200 years of iteration and atrocity. Why don't they kill themselves?
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sato (Old Spike)
yup. now it comes out exactly what the motivation behind all the silencing of ivermectin was coming from.
(Old Spike)
The ferocity with which the woke brigade goes after this subject and especially the expert Jimmy is featuring here yet again says it all doesn't it?
Big Pharma/MSM pushed and even enforced drug treatment cost: $3000
Cost of Ivermectin Dose Recommended for to treat COVID: $0.06
Let's not a single one of us ever again make the mistake of calling any of the woke brigade "Marxists". Fuck, Jimmy is half Marxist and seems like he can adopt some aspects of Marxist thought into his belief system while still maintaining clearly recognizable Christian principles.
The woke brigade are Hegelian - they are the closest you'll find to actual Nazis in our modern times. But they are not Nazis. The ultimate distillation of an active hatred of the creator (whether he exists or not in their minds), iterated over time, evolves naturally into a clownish form of Satanism. Maximize suffering, maximize confusion, maximize death - punish God for creating this reality and "putting me in it" - that's what it boils down to after 200 years of iteration and atrocity. Why don't they kill themselves?
(Old Spike)
yup. now it comes out exactly what the motivation behind all the silencing of ivermectin was coming from.