When the left's boogie-man of 'muh racism has all the realism of Big Foot they resort to just fabricating it out of whole cloth.
(17 votes)
When the left's boogie-man of 'muh racism has all the realism of Big Foot they resort to just fabricating it out of whole cloth.
(Old Spike)
He doesn't show any lies from Philip DeFranco.
This whole thing could have been avoided if the MAGA kid didn't have such a punchable face.
(Old Spike)
Was it really punchable though? Or do you just have something against him because his skin color doesn't qualify him for victim status and he decided to wear a hat with a political message that triggers leftists?
(Short Spike)
Whats this? A Trump supporter playing the racism card?
Stop taking my guns you crazy republican!
(Site Moderator)
Yes, very punchable but that’s cause I wanna smash everything today... Carry on
(Old Spike)
(Site Administrator)
Thanks for posting this, FullAuto. It's disappointing to see that the news outlets haven't done more to acknowledge that they were swept up in the collective hysteria of the moment, especially during the first 48hrs of the news cycle. This is something that can definitely be thrown back in their collective faces the next time they lose their sh#t. Breathe, get the facts, and report *only* the facts. Definitely a reminder that 'celebrities' should keep their political opinions to themselves.
The punchable face comment was referencing the joke that went viral surrounding the issue. *Woosh*, google can help lads