Sorry the virtual president would be Obama and this would be a good thing for international relations that are in desperate need of repairing.
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skeptoid (Old Spike)
That criminal? Lol
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daftcunt (Old Spike)
criminal? What has he been arrested / charged / prosecuted for?
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
Obama gets too much credit.
He was a puppet of the leftist cabal.
But good call in noting the prevoius administrations agenda would be put back on track.
Normalise relations with the most powerful and insidious communist nation on earth (CCP China).
Shun normalising relations with the most powerful ex communist state (Russia).
Entrench in hopless wars by supporting jihadi rebels and maintain a stalemate strategy so the wars never end (Syria)
Resume inequitable trade deals that undermine generalised American wealth (NAFTA, TPP).
Allow unmitigated illegal immigration so that it can retroactively be made legal to swell the voter base, while driving down the value of blue collar workers and expanding the tax burden on the middle class to pay for the increased demand on welfare support (Mexico).
Go back to relying on a Wahabi extremist state for the assurance of the energy needs of the country (Saudi Arabia).
Take in millions of people who have no regard for the western values and only want free money (Germany EU).
Assist in overthrowing legitimate democratic elections (Ukraine).
Turn thriving nations into failed states and open the flood gates of economic migrants (Lybia).
Reward state sponsored terrorism with a supervised path to nuclear weapons an cash incentives, all while they plot to annihilate you and your allies (Iran)
Maintain and pay for a defense alliance where no one else is meeting the agreed minimum investment level (Europe/NATO)
It took 4 years of being fought every step of the way to address these issues (bloody impresive by any account).
Im sure the leftist cabal can change all that in less than 1 year because it is easier to demolish than it is to build.
If America chooses to go back to the good ol days when Obama was running things, mark my words, America will be resigned to the history books at break neck speed. And when that happens you will wish you still had the right own a gun.
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jdt73 (Short Spike)
This is where you say trumptard, and I say, orangeman bad.
(Short Spike)
Kamila for VP (vurtual President)
(Old Spike)
Sorry the virtual president would be Obama and this would be a good thing for international relations that are in desperate need of repairing.
(Old Spike)
That criminal? Lol
(Old Spike)
criminal? What has he been arrested / charged / prosecuted for?
(Short Spike)
Obama gets too much credit.
He was a puppet of the leftist cabal.
But good call in noting the prevoius administrations agenda would be put back on track.
It took 4 years of being fought every step of the way to address these issues (bloody impresive by any account).
Im sure the leftist cabal can change all that in less than 1 year because it is easier to demolish than it is to build.
If America chooses to go back to the good ol days when Obama was running things, mark my words, America will be resigned to the history books at break neck speed. And when that happens you will wish you still had the right own a gun.
(Short Spike)
This is where you say trumptard, and I say, orangeman bad.
(Old Spike)