...to efficiently fight climate change!
Beautiful example of how lazy thinking promotes delusions and hate on both sides of the political spectrum simultaneously.
(3 votes)
...to efficiently fight climate change!
Beautiful example of how lazy thinking promotes delusions and hate on both sides of the political spectrum simultaneously.
(Old Spike)
Gates is not right, what does he know about the climate.
Trees provide shade, shade equals cold or 0 so even when the surface above is none reflective the shade below still cools down the environment,
imagine the desert how hot is it? now place a huge black cloth above it, which one cools the air better, barren or black cloth?
I say black cloth, the higher you place it the better it cools, now imagine you place the black cloth all the way in to the stratosphere, do you see it now?
If we shade the earth with a cloth the heat of the cloth would not be equal + or - to the temperature of the earth, everything would freeze minus 270 Celsius or minus 450 degrees Fahrenheit
Not even the energy absorbed by the BLACK cloth would offset those numbers significantly.
And if you think if we place the black cloth inside atmosphere well the black cloth would heat up the atmosphere, then i say heat rises it hits the edge of our atmosphere and be cooled down, we live on the bottom remember everything lives on the bottom.
and ridiculous as it is.... even if a surface of solar panels was reflective enough to reflect most infrared back into the universe, it would still pass twice trough the carbon in our atmosphere doubling the heating effect.
So think again.
We need to cut all the trees they are bad for the environment hahaha :)
Every idea this guy's company had, came right from my mind even before i was even born, and then he goes and said demotivating shit like this?
Fucking meager 10 million, what an absolute dip shit.
It seems to me he is planning on dying soon and leaving the planet for heaven :) GTFO
And if you don't believe me look at trees paradox, in colder climates the trees are shorter in warmer climates the trees are generally taller, this an evolutionary bio mechanism of the trees to regulate the environment they live in, it is a paradox or loop of life and is found in everything living depending on their environment in one way or another, we can discuss this.
(Old Spike)
Are you drunk or really that ill informed??
(Old Spike)
maybe you could explain why...
(Old Spike)
No as the resident expert, I can say for certain the amount of alcohol needed to produce this would kill any man on the spot
Hopefully some other drug?! *sipps*
(Old Spike)
You girls are just not visionaries :)