This streamer, "Arab Andy" goes walking about a college campus with his stream setup to play "text to speach" for $3 or a Media File/link for $4.20.
^ 39:00 is the bomb scare.
(4 votes)
This streamer, "Arab Andy" goes walking about a college campus with his stream setup to play "text to speach" for $3 or a Media File/link for $4.20.
^ 39:00 is the bomb scare.
(Old Spike)
On the upside: If he keeps on doing dumb shit like this sooner rather than later an insecure trigger happy cop will put him down.
(Old Spike)
He should have done this in the UK. Not only would they have not arrested him, they would jailed everyone who said something negative about the video for anti-Muslim hate speech.