PNAC, Not Oil, Behind Iraq War

danmanjones's picture

PNAC not oil took us to Iraq (clip from war by deception)

PNAC = Project for a New American Century. PNAC was founded by William Kristol & Robert Kagan in 1997 and ceased operations in 2006It was essentially a Neocon Zionist think tank comprised of ideologues who wanted to use the American military to take out Israel's adversaries in the middle East. The hit list started with Iraq & went on to Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Jordan & others, ending in Iran.



The old Neocon Zionists



What does Seymour Hersh have to say about these people?




The new Neocon Zionists:

US National Security Advisor, John Bolton, was a PNAC member & is a Neocon Zionist

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is a Neocon Zionist

US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley is a Neocon Zionist

US President Donald Trump is in bed with the NJ Kushner syndicate - Zionists who sponsor racial colonies in Israel. Prior to 2012 the Kushners were life-long Democrats but switched teams during Mitt Romney's run for office. Like Trump, Romney's largest financial backer was Zionist billionaire Sheldon Adelson.




Donald Trump is a non-religious populist who enjoys cult-like support from his base of Christian Zionists in the 'bible belt'


Christian Zionist have an 'End of Days' theory involving Israel gooing to war with a bunch of countries before their messiah returns.

Their messiah returning is the ultimate goal. Peace, Palestinians & logic are just hurdles in their armageddon prophesy.

They number 70 million and are united under "Christian United For Israel" under Pastor Hagee. Christians United for Israel was a venture setup by AIPAC (powerful Israel lobby in US) in 2006 to turn the bible belt into a pro-Israel voting block.


Everything is lining up for a ridiculous war on Iran that's likely to have dire global consequences.

Iran hasn't attacked anyone in 4 centuries......But the Iranian regime is a threat to Israel's regional dominence, so spending more American blood & treasure is completeley necessary. Furthermore, we need to shut up & play along like this shit's normal.


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danmanjones's picture

Another 1-star, no comment. You catch flak when you're over the target ;)

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sato's picture

i dunno dan this seems to be missing the point. sure it was pnac that sent us to war, but that doesn't mean oil therefore wasn't the reason. oil, and more importantly the demand for american dollars through oil and us weapons sales was the reason pnac sent us to war.

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danmanjones's picture

The "it was for arms sales" doesn't make sense considering PNAC members are not prominent arms industry stakeholders. War is an easy sell in the US though, it makes a lot of people rich, especially politicians, and the arms lobby is powerful.


The "it was for oil" argument is partially true but only for Cheney AFAIK. Cheney is an oil man & a war profiteer, not really a Zoinist like most of the others (Kagan, Kristol, Perle, Feith, Wurmser etc).

The "it was for the "petrodollar" argument has the least weight IMO. I'm no economist so aren't certain but the fundamentals just aren't there as far as I can see. That theory is based on a temporary measure Nixon took when killing Bretton Woods in the '71 (USD no longer convertible to gold). Once USD became the global reserve instead of gold, enforcing the petrodollar became unnecessary.


Here's a snippet from a recent article on Forbes... there are lots of articles debunking the petro-dollar theory

...central banks demand dollars for reasons entirely unconnected to oil. Because the U.S. dollar is a hard currency, easily exchangeable, underwritten by the U.S. taxpayer, and founded upon decades of broadly consistent macro-economic policy management.

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