Poland did nothing wrong

skeptoid's picture

Poland Did Nothing Wrong #PolskaSamorzadna

I dare you call Poland a safe harbor for Nazis - go ahead I dare you.

Average: 3 (3 votes)


danmanjones's picture

Poland fought Germany, doesn't make Poland "good guys". That kind of narrative is stupid but most people believe in it.

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skeptoid's picture

No, it doesn't, but why are they all of a sudden having to defend against accusations of being "bad guys"? For doing what?

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danmanjones's picture

Poland was a shitty neighbour to Germany post WWI but there are no "good guys" and "bad guys" in history. Only in the minds of people who think movies are real.

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puttefnask's picture

Everyone was shitty towards Germany post WWI because they fucking started THE FIRST WORLD WAR.

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Ozmen's picture
Beta Tester

Funny... 'Everyone else will just see a few bad apples' Isn't this the same guy who has made rather funky generalisations about certain minorities instead of 'seeing them as a few bad apples'. Eh... who cares about consistency.

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Grothesk's picture

I gave this a 3/5, but some of the editing and theatrics in this video fucking annoyed me.  I understand that you gotta beg for clicks, but having a shakey camera just simply to have a shakey camera is irksome.

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skeptoid's picture

I did not like the tilting camera either.

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