Police Fatally Shoot Suspect After Dragging Cop By The Leg


Grothesk's picture

This one is kind of a no-brainer.

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UltimateX's picture

That cop has some restraint.  Tasered, night stick, and tried to talk him down.  And he wasn't even the one to kill him. 

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

did he have a weapon ?

member T J Hooker ?

one of those cops would have had that dude in a second with tonfa wrapped around his neck .

Image result for t j hooker
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eh's picture
Heather Locklear back in the day...........MMM
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sato's picture

ffs why are cops still working alone?

"cover me"????

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Mori's picture

Did that policeman assess the situation properly? Some dude slapping him around, grabbing him by the leg? This looks more like a teenage recess brawl than a violent offender trying to do any harm. No weapons, no fists, what a menace that guy was. Did this cop have no training to subdue the dude? As he's grabbing the cop's leg, can't the other officer grab him from behind and pin him on the ground and then have his mate add his strength and they both cuff him and that's that?

Shooting the guy is not the right move.

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Kingofcroydonia's picture

Yeah it was. The second he attacked a cop he was liable to be shot. Just like if he attacked a citizen he's liable to be shot. It's called self defense. He was lucky to have an officer who showed so much restraint and almost avoided it, but obviously this guy had a death wish. I was surprised the officer wasn't trying to fight back too, but I think he was doing a good job of talking the guy down for a while there. 

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Clearly he was in mortal danger. He held on to his foot. 

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Hopium's picture

that cop had no clue what he may have had in his back pocket etc. there is no justification for assaulting an officer like that. he then charged another officer for fucks sake. maybe they could have shot a leg or something sure but they are taught to hit center mass and he was still charging at him after the 2nd shot. unfortunately everyone loses here. even the cop that has to live with shooting a man with possible mental issues, because the cop wanted to go home to his family safe and not bleeding.

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Mori's picture

Stop living in that black and white world of yours.

"attacked the cop" - wow, that was a serious slapping hazzard. 

"Stop slapping me sir! You're embarassing me!"


That cop failed to subdue that dude. He needs to go back to the academy and get some more training.

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GloomStick's picture

Do cops not require training in combat? lol wtf

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