Pompeo's Venezuela Mess Takes a Dark Turn

danmanjones's picture

Pompeo speaks about Venezuela

@ 12:05


Neocon war criminal Elliott Abrams named as envoy to Venezuela.


Abrams is known for his central role in Reagan era policy in Nicaragua and El Salvador.

During the 1980s, the Salvadoran government slaughtered ~70,000 people in ways comparible to ISIS.

Elliott Abrams was a key figure making it happen & later said he considered this to be a "fabulous achievement.” [source]





Elliot Abrams doesn't even respect the US constitution......





Abrams was one of the architects of the Iraq war and lies about the legality of it......




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Fullauto223cal's picture

Man, this shit has you really worried man.  Just curious, are you of the opinion that the Dictator should remain in power?

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danmanjones's picture

Dictator is just a label & more often than not used as a form of demagoguery. To answer your question, if the dictator is in charge of my country and I don't like him, then no. Do I want USA to overthrow him? Fuck no. You don't have a good track record in case you hadn't noticed.


Let me ask you a question: Is Benjamin Netanyahu a dictator?

Let's look at his file....

  • Currently held positions:
    • Foreign Minister
    • Defense Minister
    • Prime Minister
  • Houses thousands of political prisoners with torture common place
  • Houses hundreds of children in prisons 
  • Emroiled in a corruption scandal
    • Called snap elections to impede the investigation
  • Wife embroiled in another corruption scandal
  • Rules over an apartheid regime
  • Introduced laws that favour one race over another
  • Builds racial colonies on stolen land occupied for 70+ years by his country

These are just some of the things he does domestically. Remind me again why you call Maduro a dictator?



If you're wondering why I'm tracking this Venezuela situation, it's because it's gonna blow up in Trump's face & I want to record it as it happens. His team is bloody hopeless. Pompeo's a sycophant with no class at all.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

"Dictator is just a label"  Yea, it's just a label, it's not labels serve a purpose and help condense a range of terrible behaviors down into a singular term to make converstaions easier or anything, amiright?


Hey bro, why are you calling Stalin an evil dictator?  It's just a label, bro.

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danmanjones's picture

You forgot the rest of the sentence, the "form of demagoguery" part.

US supports 73% of the world's dictators, including the worst ones. Pompeo's just been in the Middle East praising them.

You pay taxes, right?

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danmanjones's picture

MSM isn't even pretending Guaido has legitemacy...

He's called "self-declared acting president", "Opposition Leader" etc

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Pantysoaker's picture
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Dark turn, because the people are brown, i see what u did there

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