Until folks like you, who seem to understand the value of what Christianity gave us while simultaneously shitting on the gifter, stop doing that there's little chance of us, collectively, achieving victory against those who, whether they acknowledge it or not and whether they believe or not, have decided to take on the aspect of satan. If you don't believe in Christ or satan, that's fine with me, but at least pay respect to the man who gave you what you have.
Christ was a man, he was real, and although he's dead (and he is dead, in the human sense of dead - if folks saw him walking around okay but no one saw his body get up and walk out of that tomb), don't dismiss the value of what he brought us. That's what you're doing when you say "Jesus isn't real".
And rate some fucking video for fuck sake's gadddamn.
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stokkebye (sounds retarded)
Gave me what I have? Thats only IF I take what you say as truth. Otherwise it is your story, believe what you want, as I do too, but I can still say its not real, just as you can say it is real. Im not so sure what if anything Christianity "gave" us that was any good. A lot of societies got along just fine without it. If anything I would argue it held us back. Just look at Islam, and Judaism. Superstitious rituals controlling every aspect of their lives. Most Christians just recite some verse from the bible and call it day.
Give me one shred of proof anything religion says is true, there is a god, Jesus existed, etc... Your "FAiTh" doesnt count. Dude, I've been arguing with religious nuts going on 25 years now.
(sounds retarded)
(Old Spike)
Until folks like you, who seem to understand the value of what Christianity gave us while simultaneously shitting on the gifter, stop doing that there's little chance of us, collectively, achieving victory against those who, whether they acknowledge it or not and whether they believe or not, have decided to take on the aspect of satan. If you don't believe in Christ or satan, that's fine with me, but at least pay respect to the man who gave you what you have.
Christ was a man, he was real, and although he's dead (and he is dead, in the human sense of dead - if folks saw him walking around okay but no one saw his body get up and walk out of that tomb), don't dismiss the value of what he brought us. That's what you're doing when you say "Jesus isn't real".
And rate some fucking video for fuck sake's gadddamn.
(sounds retarded)
Gave me what I have? Thats only IF I take what you say as truth. Otherwise it is your story, believe what you want, as I do too, but I can still say its not real, just as you can say it is real. Im not so sure what if anything Christianity "gave" us that was any good. A lot of societies got along just fine without it. If anything I would argue it held us back. Just look at Islam, and Judaism. Superstitious rituals controlling every aspect of their lives. Most Christians just recite some verse from the bible and call it day.
Give me one shred of proof anything religion says is true, there is a god, Jesus existed, etc... Your "FAiTh" doesnt count. Dude, I've been arguing with religious nuts going on 25 years now.