Proof of Reincarnation?


Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

So, apparently when people with split personality undergo brain imaging, the electrical activity shows up differently for the different personalities. One can't dismiss the idea entirely of this being psychological, ie. a coping mechanism of some sort, following trauma (whether physical or emotional).  I can say it's the most unnerving thing. Bumped into a family acquaintance in college who was suddenly speaking with (what she thought was) a British accent. A bad one. She apparently just woke up and it was there.


Proof of reincarnation?.. no.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Yes, some sort of traumatic experience must have triggered these conditions. Those with more (natural) talent simulating accents will probably be better at it than those with a lack thereof.

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phytonadione's picture

I'll believe it when an East Asian born person suddenly wakes up from a brain injury and can perfectly pronounce R's and L's in English.

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