romeflooring First and Foremost on behalf of Rome Flooring Ltd. We do not condone this act of a former employee. He has not worked for our company for many years. I apologize if the use of our company apparel has offended anyone. Rome Flooring Ltd has been in business for over 50 years and we take great pride in serving our community.
notice went out an hour ago
The Shaman of Canada
i remember people saying not to worry about the cops, they have they're back, well, thats sure as shit not the case today
(4 votes)
(Old Spike)
You can always find people willing to commit acts of evil for status and pay. Just bide your time and pick the right moment to make maximum impact. Watch the movie Sicario for ideas and examples of what I'm talking about.
(Long Spike)
I wonder how many leftist REEEEEEtards called and harrased that company.
(Old Spike)
the rat kind put this out along with another where he lists 6 or 7 tow truck companies to harass
before that, nobody would have known which companies to harass since they're coming form all around
currently a google review war going on
(Old Spike)
took me a bit to find it. 5:30 he holds up a list. also, the video itself is pretty good
(Old Spike)
Good, That's what I was thinking for a few days. If you can't choke the hill, then just hit somewhere else. The symbolic victory has been achieved. It's a big country, lots of places to park up and hold. That's how Russia ground down the Germans by trading space for time.