Psycho Cat Beats Up On Vet

TheWeirdo's picture

Psycho Cat Beats Up On Vet

Yes, you do need those gloves.

Average: 4.1 (15 votes)


ubershin's picture

democrat cat when a black family tries to move into their gated community obv

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Grothesk's picture

Slightly played out, copy.

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The Evil Bat's picture

As soon as I saw the cat all I could think of , was that picture with a cat with a cigarette in its mouth with the subtitle 'slow metal music playing'

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Cahu's picture

I used to have a cat. Exact same colors. but had a black goatee. Never let me pet her, always scratched everyone in the house, impossible to take to the vet: bit 3 vets and we had to keep showing her vaccine certificates to everyone. We always had to use that sick towel trick. My wife used to talk to her in that same sweet voice as if that was going to calm her down: the cat would go downright mental whenever we took her out of the house. We did everything we were supposed to, walk her out, play hunt with a bird toy, respect its spaces, provide high ground. Everything. One day we had to move, and she couldn't come with us: mostly because we had a son and we didn't want the fucking thing scratching up my sons eyes. Getting someone to adopt the cat was a huge deal, nobody wanted her, until finally someone showed up: we explained every single detail to this person and still this person would tell us: "I specialize in adopting really hard to love cats". We went to this persons house just to check the conditions she would live in: we had had this cat for almost 5 years, it kinda of came with the house and we had no idea of the history of the cat, but we still kinda loved her and gave her the best fucking cat food money can buy: organic and that shit. We wanted to make sure she had a good future, and not just run out into the street the first day and die in a gang fight or squashed by a car. It was a tight apartment just like ours. I got an email a couple months later saying the cat was happy, that it was hands down the worst cat they had ever had, but that it had found its place amongst the other cats. I never replied, never got another email. That is a closed chapter in my cat history, never making the same mistake again. My father suggested that what we had might have been a feral cat that had adapted to somehow live inside an apartment without dying. We will never know.

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CombatGod's picture

The time and effort you put into this piece of shit exhausted me just reading it. What is fucking wrong with you? That entire life chapter you shared with us I would have thrown out the fucking door in 10 minutes. 


Any fucking animal like that is FERAL it's fucking dangerous! It can even happen in litters of domesticated cats. There are always chances of feral cats impregnating domesticated. 


Don't fuck with wild animals. 


Sure love any animal that might be messed up or have a disability, but don't ever fucking take in an animal that doesn't emotionally connect to you and lash out violently. That's the fucking line. Any animal that crosses that line of behavior needs to leave immediatly.


Don't come near it, don't pet it don't give it a home. Put it in a shelter or leave it outside.

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Cahu's picture

When I inherited my home the cat was there and it was kind of a favour I made for someone special to also take care of the cat. Looking back on those 5 years now IT WASN'T as terrible as I made it sound in my comments, I mean most of the time I just ignored the cat and the cat ignored us, I'm a gamer so I spend a lot of time in front of the computer. Most of that time she would just lie next to me and even roll over exposing her stomach and BS like that that is supposed to indicate trust at a certain level. But there was no way to have any kind of lasting connection with her, and she only really got violent when we took her out of the house.

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o0st0ned0o's picture

This is his thing, Shit posting word diarrhea type shit. I thought it was just me once, then i noticed he did it a lot. It's always unrelated crap like this that has no point.

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Cahu's picture

I fail to see how my shit posting is unrelated to this video!

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