Pussy cops arrest 84 yr old woman feeding cats. Resisting Arrest!!

stokkebye's picture

Wetumpka Police Tough Tattoo Cops Arrest 84 Year Old Woman - Earning The Hate

Makes me wanna punch these cowards! Imagine some 20-30 yr old guys treating your grandma like this in your neighborhood. I'd bet you'd be beating their fucking asses to teach them some fucking manners!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Aaaaaah feeding uncontrolled cat colonies is a favourite passtime of weird old people that feel somehow that this is not only their right but also that they are helping. Most of them are not. We have plenty of them here too. Anyone involved in real animal charity work despises them!
Stopped watching at 1:35 after the narrator said he did not have any background info and that "maybe someone complained"....


  1. Animal control IS responsible for these kind of things, they will see to the cats being brought into a  pound or shelter, neutered and put up for adoption.
  2. Feeding cat colonies that are not neutered is creating nuisance as the cats replicate like rabbits and create nuisance just like rats. Probably in some councils volunteers from animal help organisations will actually take care of this, at least here they do.
  3. The twats were told that they are trespassing and had to leave, they decided to start a discussion, probably counting on cops courtesy for the elderly, they shouldn't have. American cops are probably the worst educated in the western world. Expect to be treated inappropriately.
  4. They should have left and sought legal advice, as they will have to now anyway.



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stokkebye's picture

What a good little bootlicker you are. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Again the level of your ignorance is hard to comprehend. 

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stokkebye's picture

LOL. You're funny. In a sad way.

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bradlox's picture
Beta TesterTells jokes

Try telling that to Bubbles. 

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