This isn't just Netflix, this is life in general now.
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Dhagon (Old Spike)
Exactly, you could say the same thing about most peoples steam libraries.
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thegent (Old Spike)
some 90 year old is talking about the loss of conversation since these dang nabbit TVs started poping up everywhere..thats just change man what can you do..
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lawngnome (Long Spike)
Walk by people at the RedBox movie checkout thing and tell them "nah, not that one. It's bad"
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backdraft (Site Moderator)
A lot of it is also quantity over quality. Wanna watch a movie, there's a million choices and a good portion of them suck.
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Grothesk (Long Spike)
I worked at a Blockbuster for about ~5 years and now it seems like such an alien concept now. I remember having "regulars" who specifically asked me for and another dude because we knew all the new shitty horror and dark comedy movies.
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thegent (Old Spike)
'Groths Choice' section..ha its funny.. it does seem like a different time..suppose it actually was a different time mmmm..
(Old Spike)
This isn't just Netflix, this is life in general now.
(Old Spike)
Exactly, you could say the same thing about most peoples steam libraries.
(Old Spike)
some 90 year old is talking about the loss of conversation since these dang nabbit TVs started poping up everywhere..thats just change man what can you do..
(Long Spike)
Walk by people at the RedBox movie checkout thing and tell them "nah, not that one. It's bad"
(Site Moderator)
A lot of it is also quantity over quality. Wanna watch a movie, there's a million choices and a good portion of them suck.
(Long Spike)
I worked at a Blockbuster for about ~5 years and now it seems like such an alien concept now. I remember having "regulars" who specifically asked me for and another dude because we knew all the new shitty horror and dark comedy movies.
(Old Spike)
'Groths Choice' section..ha its funny.. it does seem like a different time..suppose it actually was a different time mmmm..