Racist vs Black Coyote

Boomshackalacka's picture

Black Coyote Double (Warning!!! Coyotes die in this clip)

A racist hunter targets black coyote using dogs to help him rid them from his farm property. I have a lot of coyotes in my area now,they came in five years ago and have exploded. They have wiped out cats and attacked many dogs, killing a few. My neighbor's dog has three legs now. I shot at one while out in the woods but had a shotgun and just wounded it. They better pray I don't make it a serious matter and go 7.62 on them.

Average: 3.7 (13 votes)


The Evil Bat's picture

"A racist hunter targets black coyote using dogs to help him rid them from his farm property". Dogs? One dog. Racist?

Click bait vs gullible spiked nationalist 

Click bait: 1

S/nationalist: 0

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Damn, dropped that third fucker where it stood.

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skeptoid's picture

They lure pet dogs away from their protection by provoking or feigning a desire to play and when they get them far enough away they kill them. They are the dangerous psychopaths of the canine world. They almost got Ziggy when I lived on a farm in the country - I had to run out and scare the shit out of them while restraining Ziggy: The adolescents were luring Ziggy away from the farm and four adults were waiting just beyond the field. They don't like what they perceive as competition for prey.

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pimp635's picture
Beta Tester

Can I ask why you are equating an animals brain to a humans mental disorder? both are complety different.

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senchey6's picture

Damn I know these things are dangerous assholes but seeing the first 2 suffer like that for the last few seconds of their lives made me kind of sick... That last one was instant though.

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