The Radical Left is trying to destory a 14 year old girl because of videos like this

Fullauto223cal's picture

Women Are Cool And Should Vote

Written by Soph and Vaporub Boy Edited by Soph

Average: 2 (4 votes)


Pantysoaker's picture
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Fullauto223cal's picture

Damn, my bad.

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ubershin's picture

I actually like this fresh content, never thought I'd watch a video from a 14 year old but thanks anti trumpers for making me like her more. HILLARY SHOULD BE IN JAIL

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danmanjones's picture

Comments are disabled on the video. Does this mean the US is completely cucked or just the edgy anti-Muslim/anti-SJW community?

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stokkebye's picture

Didnt mean to reply to your comment. NVm, Carrry ON!

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danmanjones's picture

yeah it's weird for sure. I think her audience is typically edgy teens

I was making a kind of in-joke with FullAuto, just to be clear. It's hard to push his buttons but I try :p

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Maxpower's picture

I think it's YouTube that disabled her comments, and yeah, I'd say they're pretty "cucked".

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stokkebye's picture

WHo cares what a 14 yr old says on youtube, who the fuck watches this shit? Besides dumb asses with a hint of pedoness mixed in there. If you were at a park and a 14 year old girl came up to you would you be having a political conversation with her or would you think its creepy as fuck? WOuld you even care what she says? What kind of life experiences do you think she has to draw from, being a 14 yr old sheltered white girl? This is just weird as fuck that a bunch of grown ass men are listening to a 14 yr old and watching her videos. I doubt she writes half of whats in her script. Shes just a mouthpeice for someone else's opinions and ideas. That's the creepy part. Someone is using a 14 yr old girl as a mouthpiece for their own politics and ideas.


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Pantysoaker's picture
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^ thinks a 14 year old needs help writing "Katy Perry likes big black cock"

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stokkebye's picture

No, I was actually thinking of the Kimbo Slice reference. I used to follow him before he tried and got his ass handed to him in MMA, so I kinda know about his significance and popularity, he fucking died 3 years ago and stopped being in the spotlight 2-3 years before that, making this little girl around 10-11. A 10-11 year watching Kimbo Slice type fights and knowing what the significance of it all and the cultural references would be is a little much to ask of a girl that age. He destroyed people in street fighting matches and got famous fort on youtube before youtube got neutered. Then to have her use the reference and make it fit in her little speech is very hard for me to believe she wrote this in its entirety. I then started questioning her other references she makes and it just doesn't seem legit.

Personally I dont give a fuck, dont care what she says either. Freedom of speech. I just think its weird that a grown ass man will watch this on top of not questioning where the ideas are coming from. I play RUST man, I've met a lot of smart ass intelligent 14 yr olds but there are certain references they wont get because of the age gap.

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