rain is different in donetsk

sal9000's picture

Donetsk region, Ukrainian drone drops VOGs on Russian infantry

still waiting on a vid to make it to you tube. guy gets a grenade dropped on him and you can definitely tell it caused some brain damage before the guy died

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Nakey's picture
Beta Tester

is that video on one of the other sites spiked can process?

actually, not sure what gore level is should be the cut off here.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

they can be embeded but its comes with a giant white border around the video. i think it ruins the overall experience

i have a funny way of looking at it. gore level acceptability is an ever changing thing based on other peoples actions. like, say i posted a video of some russian losing their face. sure its gory. you may not like it. but an hour later after someone else posts stuff in response and you get into arguments with them over various other subjects. the video i posted becomes somewhat acceptable

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