The sleazy nature of a salesman who will sell their own soul to make a sale is the mark of a truly successful salesman. This guy pulled out all the stops. Lie, upsell, and do whatever it takes my peeps!
(3 votes)
The sleazy nature of a salesman who will sell their own soul to make a sale is the mark of a truly successful salesman. This guy pulled out all the stops. Lie, upsell, and do whatever it takes my peeps!
(Old Spike)
This is a bit of an old school sales thinking. The idea now is to get people to come back for more and tell their friends how great it is. With the speed of social media these days, LinkedIn and review sites, it is important to have good credibility. You can still convince people to buy things they don't want/need but make sure they are happy with it.
(Old Spike)
His style might work back in the 80s and 90s but now with the internet he would be out of business using those methods. Modern sales are much more work and heavily rely on good verifiable reputations. Scamming people is much harder and scams do not have a long uptime.
(Long Spike)
It can't be done for as long but it is essentially the same. The scam game is still about doing whatever it takes to get the money and moving on. Now it's just about moving on to the next scam after a smaller number of marks have been taken.