Refueling Chit Chat with Flare


thrasymacus's picture

made it to 2:45.  That was the most inane conversation.  I'm going to pretend they were speaking in code.

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skeptoid's picture

That means you missed the flare.

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phanto's picture

I'd be the asshole who would just stand there in the most awkward silence for the entire duration of the refueling.

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Ziggy's picture

what about fapping noises? is that allowed?

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lawngnome's picture

Wait, wouldn't popping off a flare near a fuel tanker be a bit of a no-no?... 

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skeptoid's picture

Uh huh - I was thinking that too. What if the flare shot out a bit high and more forcefully? Could have ended up in the bay next to fuel - probably wouldn't have set it off even then but still...

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