Religious Insanity In America

Boomshackalacka's picture

God Bless America: How the US is Obsessed with Religion | ENDEVR Documentary

God Bless America, because noone else will. The insanity of religion in the U.S. is at an all-time high. Despite being an officially secular country, religion is everywhere in the United States. 70% of Americans are Christians and the majority of them voted for Trump. Evangelicals mobilized in their masses to get Donald Trump elected and they similarly geared up to do the same in the most recent election. Evangelicals have even created their own Bible-themed attractions, boldly rewriting the science books to educate their children. In Kentucky, an actual-size Noah’s ark has been built along with a museum that supports the theory that the universe was created in just six days.

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stokkebye's picture

Ive been trying to get to the ark for a couple years now. Check out some of their newer YT vids, they are trying so hard to convince themselves of the BS. Thunderfoot had a video of an atheist getting kicked out. I gotta get some t-shirts or something to blend it but my laughing will probably give it away pretty quick. 

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skeptoid's picture

Now it's just a quesiton of guiding these folk through the Nietzschean dilemma so they can be Christian in substance and not just, as is often the case, in name.


Then we can fight the war against Dumbshackalacka and all of the other state religion fanatics who want to permanently implement global fascism and end secularism forever.

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stokkebye's picture

Yeah, true dat. Most lefty atheist seemed to have replaced god with government. Guess most people need to follow something.

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skeptoid's picture

Only the top wokeist academics who understand the theology rooted in hegelianism that characterizes everything from Nazism to Wokeism is basically a call to worship the state as though it is God even understand this. Including all of the irrationality that has traditionally accompanied said worship. See they didn't try to resolve the Nietzschean dilemma - they simply picked one side of the divide and went all in, warts and all. That's why, however shitty our current system is (loosely based on a Christian foundation), their answer to "improving it" results in something so much more shittier it's hard for people to wrap their mind around just how shitty it is until they are in it. 

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stokkebye's picture

I tried to get into Nietzsche but Im not religious and so I stopped. I got the gist, people who find the void and stare into it either becomes insane or enlightened. I found Allan Watts much more aligning for me. I realized there was "nothing" a long time ago and it took a long time to really embarrass it. I've always said that any religion is just man made because people are scared that there just might not be any purpose or anything(that we know of yet). Until we reach the edge of the universe or find out what the universe is, Im not believing anything anyone else says no matter how old their stories are. At a very early age I got into space and exploration. In first grade I wanted to work on building rockets to get us farther into space. Takign the time to actually comprehend space and the vastness of it all and how insignificant we really are, helps to put things into perspective. Around 21 or 22 I was talkign to my roomate about how we could be just atoms in a much larger scale of a bigger universe, my roomate said someone in the 50's already thought of it and then Simspons did it a few years later! LOL. I still think about that. Makes more sense then much anything else we got. 


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